How to have high powered communication so you can attract and keep the ideal clients that you enjoy working with.
Learn how to create a healthy culture with your clients and team that causes your business to thrive.
Lifetime Referrals Mastermind
How to automate your referral systems so you can have a consistent flow of leads.
How to use Facebook to get in front of your ideal clients consistently at a low cost.
Exact scripts to use to get referrals from you sphere or past clients.
CHAOS to Freedom Mastermind
Learn how to handle the "Messy Middle" of the business that rarely gets talked about with running your business like a business, client experience, hiring, compensation, team management, and bullet-proof systems.
What a "perfect team" looks like for a 10 closings per month and 20 closings per month.
How to put your business on auto-pilot so you can make more, work less while maintaining work-life balance.
Get step by step blueprint of scripts, emails, text messages and “Getting Clients Strategies” and "Hiring Talent Strategies". Proven to get you more closings without working nights and weekends.
NEW Dates Announced!
Date:June 21, 2018 Time: 1pm to 5pm Location: "The Rose"