What is Your Success Score?
Take the quiz and to find out how to Make More, Work Less with less hassle and without working weekends.
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Question 1 of 8
Are you full-time in your business?
Question 2 of 8
How would you describe the Stage of your Business?
Infancy stage.
Maintenance mode.
Growing at a moderate pace.
Growing rapidly every year!
Question 3 of 8
What describes your Business Structure?
I am a solo-preneur - me, myself and I.
I have a team of 2.
I have a team of 3-5.
I have a team of 5-10.
I have a team of 10+.
Question 4 of 8
How would you describe your Lead Generation and Conversion?
Little to no leads.
Barely enough leads or my conversion is low.
I have enough leads and I convert them reasonably well.
I have plenty of leads but many are slipping through the cracks.
I have plenty of the hottest leads and I am converting at the highest level, enough to double my business.
Question 5 of 8
What best describes your Client Experience?
My client experience is inconsistent and they are not predictably happy.
My clients usually get good results but it's a fairly inconsistent because it gets busy and balls get dropped.
Most of my clients have a satisfying experience. I know I can do better to turn them into raving fans.
My clients are consistently raving fans as I deliver world-class service every time using scalabe systems and models.
Question 6 of 8
What best describes your Referral Business?
I have no referrals.
I have a few referrals that happen randomly by chance.
I kind of stay in touch with past clients and sphere to generate some referrals but I know there's so much more.
I routinely ask for referrals and I know I can improve results with better systems and models.
I have referral systems to consistently produce referrals every month like clockwork and 99% of my business is from referrals.
Question 7 of 8
How would you describe your People Leverage?
It's just me and I don't need anyone else.
It's just me and I'm thinking about hiring some help.
I have a team. I am not looking to hire anyone else right now.
I have a team and I am always on the lookout for talent.
I have exactly who I need to take my business to the next level.
Question 8 of 8
What best describes your Time?
Help, I have no free time. I'm drowning.
I have minimal personal time and definitely need more.
I have reasonable free time with family and friends but I'm not fully present and would like to be able to "turn it off" when I'm with them.
I have all the free time I want with my family and friends and I'm growing my business aggresively simultaneously.
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