2 Types of Wealth...

I don't know about you but...
When I have something good, I want MORE!!

If 2 is good, then 10 is better!
If 20% business growth is good, then doubling it is even better!

I LOVE being an entrepreneur.
I LOVE experiencing success.
I LOVE seeing other business owners have success,
I LOVE seeing WEALTH built in new and creative ways.

But the thing is,
There are TWO types of WEALTH I never knew about...

2 Types of Wealth:

Type #1) Wealth that draws you CLOSER to God
Type #2) Wealth that draws you FURTHER from God.

Have you ever looked at it that way before?

How can you tell which is which?

Here's a hardcore tip...

If it's not drawing you CLOSER to God,
It's drawing you AWAY from God.
Yup. It's that simple.
Kinda like the saying about business "If you're not growing, you're dying".

Satan is tricky like that.
He doesn't want you do know that you're drifting AWAY from God,
So he'll do everything he can to make you THINK you're fine,
But in reality there's a slow undercurrent,
That is taking you further and further away,
From the path and will of God.

Here's Satan's simple plan:
Plan A) Turn you totally against God.

...and if he can't do that then the next is...

Plan B) Get you off track from God as much as possible without you noticing.

Satan will do ANYTHING,
To get your eyes off of God by using...

Something more interesting,
Something more entertaining,
Something more profitable,
Something more glamorous,

Something more exciting, sparkly and noisy.
ANYTHING that will entice you,
To make something ELSE priority over God.

The enemy will use very "nice" and "honorable" things to do so such as...

- Success & Money
- Family & Friends
- Health & Wellness
- Social Media
- Entertainment
- Romance

You can be WEALTHY in any of those areas,
And unknowingly be distracted by them.

So here's a test...
How attached are you to them?
Wanna find out?

Read this...

"give me NEITHER poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread."

... Mmm
... Errr
... Grrr

Is this saying to turning away riches?
Is this telling me to say no to goodies?
Is this telling me I need to be poor?!

The HEART of this verse is asking you...

Are you ready to REJECT any WEALTH that turns you AWAY from God?
Are you ready to ONLY accept WEALTH that draws you CLOSER to God?
Are you WILLING to pursue to know the difference?
How important is it to you to be CLOSER to God?

If this verse makes you a little twitchy or uncomfortable,
That's ok.
It did for me at first too.
For me, it's natural to say YES to all success.
Like DUH!! Who wouldn't, right?
But this verse is so upside down to normal thinking it made me think.

The idea of actually turning down success or wealth in order to be closer to God?
To walk away from fame or fortune to snuggle up with God?
Are you nutts?


"Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, 'Who is the LORD? ' Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God."

The truth is, us humans have a nasty habit of becoming prideful, arrogant and relying on ourselves when we get too successful when our CHARACTER is not ready for it.

When we are not deeply ROOTED in Christ and have a strong relationship with Him, worldly success can easily get to our head and lead us AWAY from God. It happened to the best of the best in the bible.
Look at Saul,
Look at David,
Look at Solomon.

They all had momentary or devastating moments of straying that changed their whole life.

Saul got proud,
David got lustful,
Solomon got even more lustful,
And led all of Israel into 400 years of idolatry.

So when we look again at the verse about NOT having too much or too little, there is immense wisdom in that.

This doesn't mean that God won't bless us,
This doesn't mean God won't raise millionaires and billionaires,
This doesn't mean God doesn't like wealth.

This DOES mean that success and wealth is very seductive,
And has brought down the best of the best,
Ones that were hand picked and chosen by God.

So it's even more important for us to be on guard,
In this most blessed country,
With so much prosperity,
That we dare call it poverty,
When our trash is other country's treasures,
When our poverty is their vision of wealth.

And in the midst of all of that,
Are we being drawn CLOSER to God,
Or further away from Him?

So make no mistake,
God loves to bless His children,
He wants to see them do well,
He wants to make beautiful examples out of them in this world,
But that works when you're willing to make Him #1 in your life,
To the degree where you'll turn down something that you want,
In order to have MORE of Him.

That's next level LOVE for God,
We ALL can pursue for the rest of our lives.

It's called SURRENDER,
It's called TRUST,
It's called OBEDIENCE,
It's called LOVE.

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

It'll be the best decision you make... DAILY.

So where are you at?

What in your life is drawing you CLOSER to God?
What is NOT?
What have you made a higher priority over God's will?
What is TOO important in your life right now?
What consumes your head space TOO much?

Lay it down buddy, lay it down...
Surrender it to the Lord and say,

"Heavenly Father,
I be greedy,
I be distracted,
I be naughty,
And I'm sorry.
Forgive me.

I'm weak,
I'm easily tempted,
I'm easily distracted,
I easily wander from You.

Draw me back, Lord,
Pull me back,
Hold me.

Give me a new heart to WANT You more,
Give me a new mind to THINK of You more,
Give me a new desire to DESIRE You more.

Give me NEITHER poverty nor riches,
but give me only my daily bread.
Help me MEAN it in my heart,
Help me OWN it in my heart,

Help me ONLY desire the things that will bring me closer to You.

Make the success and wealth that makes me wander from You,
No longer be attractive or enticing,
But may they taste bitter and foul,
So I would run from it and reject it.

Change my heart, Lord,
Change it all the way down to it's roots.
Create in me a new heart,
One that LOVE You,
One that DESIRES You,
One that thinks of You FIRST.

Grow my FAITH,
Grow my HOPE in Your plans for me,
Grow my LOVE for You,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to only experiencing WEALTH that draws you CLOSER to God.
May you know the difference,
May you make the right choice.
God's got you! Wohooo!!
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