3 Signs It's Not God
I'm not as smart as I think I am.
When it comes to God things, I'm constantly messing up and learning.
Great news is, I learned a lot on what NOT to do and recognize what is NOT of God. ^_^
"Listening" to God is simple... not easy.
Remember, the enemy is ALWAYS trying to interfere.
The interferences cause miscommunication and misinterpretation of what God is trying to tell us.

I made a lot of mistakes... so I can share at least 3 signs that it's NOT God. (How NOT to get tricked by the enemy and his lies.)
1) God is NOT Rushed.
- The devil is sneaky. He will try to trick you with LIES like:
- "If you don't do this now, you'll miss the opportunity."
- "There's only 1 spot left. If you don't take it, your competitor will."
- "There's not enough time. Keep working, gotta keep up."
- TRUTH: Even if it looks like a good opportunity...
If it's not God's will, WHAT DOES IT MATTER?
- "The Lord is not slow... as some understand slowness."
- God is patient and kind. He will never rush you to make decisions.
- Rushing is rooted in fear of not enough time.
- Rushing creates chaos and stress. It does NOT empower you to have a "peace that surpasses all understanding". It does the opposite.
- God would rather you take it slow than rush and be tricked by the enemy.
- It's ok to ask God to confirm what His will is.
He will happily help you confirm and re-confirm if you desire to be in His will. (Ask Gideon, lol)
The rule is simple.
If Jesus did it, do it.
If he didn't, dont.
Real Estate example:
Have you every seen Jesus be rushed or chasing shiny objects in the way we do in real estate?
Jesus was never rushed or negligent due to "not enough time".
Jesus was always patient and never acted from scarcity of time.
Jesus didn't do something because another person did or said it.
He always seeked God for direction FIRST.
That's what we should do too! Ask God FIRST
Run everything by God.
Every purchase, decision or strategy.
That's how you can be in God's perfect will.
Grant me Your peace to not be rush.
Grant me obedience to do it Your way.
Place a hedge of protection around my thoughts and desires.
Bind my pride and fear.
In Jesus name, Amen."
2) God is NOT Forceful.
Real estate celebrates being aggressive, urgent and proactive.
Real estate has defined success with aggressive action.
We have been programmed to think we're being lazy if we're not grinding it out all the time.
However, "the fruit of the Spirit is... gentleness."
This is a totally opposite type of energy.
Anytime you feel yourself forcing things too much, back off.
Jesus never forced things.
He flowed in God's will so He didn't have to.
Remember the spiritual battle.
The enemy is the spirit that is driving you in a aggressive way that is not filled with God's will, love or kindness.
The enemy wants you to keep driving and pushing so you stay too busy for God.
Do you think exhausting ourselves is the BEST God has for us?
Do you think it delights God to see you burning out?
God says "my burden is light and my yoke is easy".
God grants you peace and clarity when you seek Him and align with His will.
Are you driven by the spirit of fear, greed and pride?...
Or the spirit of obedience, faith and surrender?
Let's ask God for discernment to see what spirit you are operating in.
Grant me discernment to know what you want me to do.
Grant me the strength to carry it through.
Grant me strength to be pleasing and holy to you.
In Jesus name, Amen."
3) God is NOT Disorganized.
If you're dropping the ball all the time and lose sleep over things you forgot to do, that is NOT pleasing to God.
Does God delight in chaos? No.
"God is not a God of confusion and disorder but of peace and order."
99% of the brokers around you have given into the fact that being an agent is crazy and disorderly.
Most agents say "this is the way I am".
Here's the LIE of the enemy:
- You are not meant to be organized.
- Things will always be disorganized, don't fight it.
- Organization is not your strength so don't even try.
- Being organized is not who you are.
Here's another example. Just because housekkeeping is not your strength, do you think living like a slob and never taking a shower is acceptable? No.
God expects a certain level of cleanliness in life AND organization in business.
It does not please Him to see us drowning in disorder.
It break His heart.
His spirit is not present in the disorder we have allowed into our lives.
The enemy has tricked the real estate industry that chaos and disorganization is ok.
It's not.
This is a fight.
Many are losing this battle because we don't see it as one.
Now you know.
Fight back.
Bind the spirit of chaos and disorder.
Bind the spirit of confusions and distraction.
In Jesus name, I reject the lie that I can't be organized.
I reject the lie that my life must be consumed by real estate.
God I accept the truth that You are a god of peace and order and not confusion and disorder.
In Jesus name, I let loose peace, obedience and order in my life.
Change me from the inside out.
I call upon your strength and promise to prosper me and give me hope and a future.
Place a hedge of protection against my life, my business as a ministry and my family, in Jesus name.
God, let my prosperity be holy and pleasing to you.
I pray this in Jesus name, Amen."
Put on the Armor of God every day as you step into your business.
Every time block.
Every appointment.
Every negotiations.
Every conflict resolution.
The enemy has us pegged with rushing, being fleshy and disorganized.
Let's start scoring points for God and winning this game of Real Estate w/God.
Cheers to your success and being used by God!