And Out Came This Golden...!
Oh my gosh, I was reading the story of Moses and the 10 commandments this morning... and it just hit me different I was shocked and appalled.
When Moses goes up to the Mount Sinai to get the Ten Commandments, he's gone for 40 days and the Israelites started getting restless (and stupid) and they say,
"Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.'"
Uhhh... did they just toss God and Moses overboard like chopped liver?
Did they just treat them like leftover food in the fridge gone bad?
God JUST brought them out of 400 years of slavery, parted the Red Sea and showed His might with the 10 plagues. Where's the loyalty?
It gets worse. Aaron, Moses' brother and right hand man, joins the stupidity full force by saying,
"'Take off the gold earrings that your wives, your sons and your daughters are wearing, and bring them to me.'... He took what they handed him and made it into an idol cast in the shape of a calf, fashioning it with a tool."
When Moses comes down and sees this and is livid!
He questions Aaron and the response is priceless...

"Then they gave me the gold, and I threw it into the fire, and out came this calf!"
As if the gold just melted and formed itself and walked out.
This is a type of response you would get from an 7 year old!
Except this is the guy that would become head priest of all the Israelites.
I can shake my head all I want at this but then I realized...
I see myself doing the exact same thing,
Being impatient,
Forgetting about God's miracles in my life,
Choosing fear over faith,
Being a brat when I'm waiting or I'm not getting what I want, when I want it.
Then after a series of foolish decisions and a disaster on my hands,
I wonder how did I get here?
And that's like me saying "and out came this calf!".
As entrepreneurs there are 3 things that cause us to make our own golden calf.
1) We don't WAIT for God's will or timing.
2) We ASSUME our plan is God's plan.
3) We don't SEEK God for His plan.
Since actions speak louder than words,
These actions shout,
"I choose MY timing over God's",
"I choose MY plan over God's",
"I choose MY thoughts over God's".
I know none of us are doing it on purpose, but now it's time to be aware,
So we don't find ourselves saying, "and out came this calf!".
The good new is there's a way you can stop these bad habits and start making decisions WITH God.
Here's the 5 Steps to Making Decision with God.
Step 1: Quiet Place
- Find a quiet, peaceful place where you can hear your thoughts.
- First thing in the morning is GREAT!
- When you're tired or distracted... not so great.
- Grab a pen and paper
Step 2: Ask a Question.
- Pick a question you would ask a business or life coach. "What is the next step?", "What do you think about ____?", "What is Your will regarding ____?"
Step 3: Listen, Wait,
- Close your eyes and LISTEN and WAIT up to a couple minutes in the silence. Hold that space and sit in the stillness until something comes to mind.
Step 4: Write down the Answer.
- With child-like faith, like a 5 year old, write down whatever that comes to mind. Don't over think it or judge it. Just write it down.
Step 5: Ask a Follow-up Question
- Ask God "What do you mean? Can you make it clear? Anything else?"
- You can keep asking multiple follow-up questions to get more clarity or detail.
Do this daily in the morning before you start your day for best results. Make a list of questions you want to ask God and have a God Q&A session with him daily.
This is a game changer!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Help me tear down my idols,
Help me see what I have built up on my own,
Help me see what I have put on the throne of my heart,
Instead of You.
If I've been too busy to spend time with You, forgive me.
If I've made plans with You and expect You to bless it, forgive me.
If I've jumped out of Your will and blamed You for the mess, forgive me.
I'm a hot mess and I need You.
Change my heart to desire and thirst for You more each day.
Come Lord, come!
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to removing the golden calves in your life by SEEKING God, asking questions and LISTENING.
Guard yourself against assumption and impatience.
Keep seeking Him.
God's got you. Wohooo!!!