Ask for Everything...

If you want to grow closer to Jesus but struggle with not enough TIME or a busy schedule, there's GREAT news!

Cuz God says to...

"And my God will supply EVERY need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

So if my need is TIME,
Then ASK for it.

What I mean is this...

We try to do too much on our own,
And we don't really ASK God for EVERYTHING.

Let's put it this way...
Aside from the fact that God told us to ask Him for EVERYTHING,
There's another way to look at it.
There's a loving Father that is desperate to have a deep, intimate relationship with His children.
If the child asks the Father to help with their time and schedule so they can hang out, don't you think the Father would step in and help?
Of course He would!

We need to remember that God is such a gentleman that He's not going to force Himself on us.
He is always waiting for us to invite Him and seek Him.
He really is all about free will.
He wants us to CHOOSE Him by our free will.
And a perfect expression of that is for us to ask Him to help us spend time with Him.
That is an invitation that God has been long waiting to hear.
You can literally ask God for EVERYTHING when it comes to spending time with Him.

For example, if the reason you're not spending time with God is because you don't have enough time then simply ASK God to handle EVERYTHING.
Ask Him to open up time for you,
Ask Him to rearrange your schedule for you,
Ask Him to help you spend time with Him.
The key is to ask Him for help DAILY until it happens.
When you are persistent in this prayer,
God WILL move to make this happen.

The prayer might sound something like this:
Help me find time to spend with You.

Arrange my schedule so I can get to know You more.
In Jesus name Amen."

Another example is the DESIRE issue.
To be real, when I first thought about spending time with God I was like "How much time can I really spend with God? How much time do I even want to? He's not THAT interesting."
Little did I know that spending time with Jesus can actually be loads of fun so I had to ASK God to make it fun for me. I asked God to make spending time with Him something that I actually desired and wanted.
I asked God for EVERYTHING when it came to spending time with Him including the desire to desire Him.

The prayer sounded something like this...

"Dear Jesus,
Can you give me the DESIRE to DESIRE You more?
Can you make it so that I WANT to spend more time with You?
Can you show me how you can be exciting and fun?
Change my heart Lord for me to crave and DESIRE You more.
In Jesus name, Amen."

I started praying this everyday even when I had NO desire to spend time with God.
I made a choice to ASK God to GIVE me the desire,
To change my heart to want Him more,
And He did.

So I know He will for you too.
You just need to PERSISTENTLY ask daily,
Even if you don't feel it or mean it,
Until it happens.

The fact that you're willing to ASK God for it is an act of FAITH,
And God WILL come through.

Why don't you try it on for size?
Ask God to give you the TIME and DESIRE to draw closer to Him.
You'll be pleasantly surprised.
Do it for 1 week straight and see what happens.
I double dog dare ya! ^_-

"Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son."

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Give me the DESIRE to DESIRE You more,
Change my heart to WANT You,
To crave You,
To thirst for Your presence,
To yearn for a deeper relationship with You.
Show me how exciting and fun You are,
Let me experience You in a whole new way.
I open my heart to You,
Do Your thing.
Balls in Your court, Lord.
In Jesus name, Amen."

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