Bible Reading Plan...
It's the New Year and we all want to start fresh with good habits.
Can I share the BEST habit evaaaa?!
One that will nourish your soul,
One that will make you more productive,
One that will give you wisdom beyond this earth,
One that will feed your life in untold ways?
Reading the Bible.
It literally is our DAILY BREAD.
But if we're not eating it,
Then we are starving.

I want to impress upon you how IMPORTANT this is.
I also understand the hold backs.
I used to think the Bible was BOOORING!!!
It can be... when you're not doing it right.
I used to think the Bible was old and irrelevant.
It can be... when you're not reading it the right way.
I used to think reading the Bible was for "super spiritual" only.
Not true. We all DESPERATELY need it.
These were all my challenges until I LEARNED how to read the Bible in a different way.
Here's 3 things I learned that made Bible Reading FUN! ^_^
1) Bible Reading Plan - Yes, it's a thing!
- This is a PDF you can print out to read a portion of the Bible everyday. The PDF has 2 versions of the plan - the Express and the Classic.
- If you're new to reading the Bible, start with the Express plan. It's less reading.
- If you're ready for a bigger step, use the Classic Plan.
- Both plans take you through the WHOLE bible in 1 year and the New Testament TWICE. It's a great way to stay on track and have a schedule. It also takes the thinking out of "What do I read today?".

Small Print Version or Large Print Version
2) Get a Study Bible
- I use the Life Application Study Bible (NIV) - here's the Amazon link to it (click here)
- This is great because on the bottom of each page is a simple digest of what you just read. It points out interesting facts and real life application. It's like having a mini teacher built into your Bible. I love it.

3) SOAP Bible Reading Method
- HOW you read the bible matters. Just "knocking it out" and rushing through it is the worst way to do it.
- Less is more. Quality not quantity. Take your time.
- SOAP is a method of reading the Bible that allows you to go deeper and get more out of it. Here's the steps.
Step 1) Start with inviting Holy Spirit to bring the Bible to life. He's the only one that can make this book interesting. "Holy Spirit, come and bring Your word to life. Teach me. Show me. In Jesus name Amen."
Step 2) As you read, underline and circle the words or phrases that pop out at you. Don't be shy. Remember that Holy Spirit is with you and pointing things out to you.
Step 3) Once you're done reading, grab your journal or sheet of paper.
- Write "S" and circle it so it looks like this... (S). "S" is for SCRIPTURE. Look back at the underline and circled words and see which one pops out the most. Write that verse down next to the (S).
- Write "O" and circle it. This stands for OBSERVATION. Ask "Holy Spirit, what do you want to show me?". Close your eyes and wait for a thought to emerge and write it down. Go slowly and take your time.
- Write "A" and circle it. This stands for APPLICATION. Ask "Holy Spirit, how does this apply to my life?". Close your eyes and wait for a thought to emerge and write it down.
- Write "P" and circle it. Then ask "Holy Spirit, how do you want me to pray around this?". Close your eyes and wait. Write down the prayer that comes up for you.
- This SOAP method helps you dive deeper into the scripture you just read and make it meaningful to YOU!
Have fun reading the Bible this year.
Make it a priority.
Ask God to show you how important this is to your spiritual growth.
Ask God for the desire to read His word everyday.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Give me the desire to desire You more.
Make me thirsty for your word,
Make me hungry for your presences,
Make me feel how incomplete I am without You.
Take me into a deeper relationship with You,
Show me who You really are,
Teach me more about You,
How amazing You are,
How irresistible You are,
How loving You are.
Help me fall madly and deeply in love with You,
Over and over again,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to your PERSONAL relationship with God.
Have fun!