Hearing God... Do You Expect It?

What would change if....

You KNEW 100% that you were DESIGNED to hear God?

That means you can have a LIVE CHAT about...
Every question,
Every challenge,
Every hardship,
Every victory,
At anytime.

If you KNEW you were DESIGNED to hear God...
"My sheep HEAR my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

If you KNEW God REALLY gives out wisdom generously without holding back...
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."

If you EXPECTED to hear from God...
"Whoever is of God HEARS the words of God. The reason why you do not HEAR them is that you are not of God."

What would you ask Him?
"So faith comes from HEARING, and HEARING through the word of Christ."

If you could get answers to ANYTHING that you ask God, what would you ask?

BUSINESS and FINANCE... what would you ask?

- Should I spend money on marketing?
- Should I cut expenses more?
- Should I hire that person?
- Should I expand into this new market?
- Should I start that new business?
- Are those guys the right partners?
- Is this the right timing for ____?
- Should I invest in ____?

RELATIONSHIPS... what would you ask?
- What do you have to say about my wife/husband?
- What do you have to say about my kids?
- How do I handle this disagreement with ____?
- This person is annoying me so bad, what do You want to tell me?
- That person is attacking me, what should I do?

HEALTH... what would you ask?
- How do I lose a few pounds?
- Why do I keep eating things I know I shouldn't?
- What am I not seeing about my health?
- How is my health affecting my family?
- What do you have to say about my health?

SPIRITUALITY & FAITH... what would you ask?
- How do I get more excited about You?
- How do I integrate You more into my business
- What is a limiting belief (lie) that I am believing about You?
- What are you trying to teach me in this season?
- Why do I feel so stuck?
- What is blocking my progress?
- What do YOU want me to do next?

Do we have a habit of asking God DETAILED questions?
What are things we forget ot ask Him?
How much do we try to do on our own without even asking Him once?

The good news is...
Chatting with God is SOOOO simple.

It's just like chatting with a friend.
The act of chatting with God is like the act of using an app on your phone.
It's intentional.
When you want to text message someone you use that app.
You click on that app and you choose to talk to someone.

So talking to God is that simple.
It's a choice.
Just like you switch apps,
You can switch your FOCUS on God and ask Him questions and EXPECT to hear back.

For example, before buying that new car, house, vacation, investment...
Asking God what He thinks and asking about who, what, when, where and why... getting into the details with Him is the equivalent to using an app to DM God and sending him photos about the thing you're shopping for or about the buy.
Why not ask God about what He things about the pricing, timing, type, model, make, color, etc.

Do life with God like you would your spouse, best friend, financial advisor or business coach.
See how that changes the way you think and make decisions.

A few things that might be helpful...
- Not all thoughts are of our own.

- God's voice can in form of a seed of a thought.
- We have to learn to recognize the difference between God's thoughts and our own.
- It's different, but you will start noticing the difference.
- God often whispers to us, so lean in and get quiet.
- Child-like faith required.

So are you up for CHATTING more with God?
Are you up for LISTENING more?
Are you willing to let yourself BE STILL, WAIT and LISTEN?
If you do, it will transform your life.

Here's a 1 Week Challenge.
Pray this daily and see what happens.
God loves taking on a challenge,
Especially in the form of an invitation. ^_^

"Dear Jesus,
Grant me the desire to learn Your voice,
Help me see new possibilities of what this can do,
Grant me excitement like a kid on Christmas,
Grant me the gift of knowing the difference between Your thoughts and mine,
Show me how to live a life I never imagined with You.
I invite you into my heart.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to EXPECTING to hear God's voice!
It will change your life.
Hold on to your seats,

It's gonna be grreeaaatt!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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