Let Your Peace Rest On It...
Have you ever been in such a GOOD mood that it's actually infectious?
Where you're overflowing with JOY,
Your face is beaming,
And because you're so happy,
The spirit of the people around you are just lifted.
When Jesus sent out His disciples to different cities to do His work,
He sent them with instructions to stay at a persons home,
And that home would be blessed with their PEACE.
"If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you."
This seems like a simple thing at first,
But the closer you look,
There's an interesting points to reflect on...

The concept of "Peace you can SHARE".
God equips his saints with a peace that surpasses all understanding.
"And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Have you ever thought about being able to SHARE your peace?
However, in order to SHARE something you have to HAVE it first.
Do you this type of peace?
Do you have a peace that others would want?
A peace that calms your heart in the middle of a crisis?
Or does your peace disappear when the going gets tough?
The cool thing is, Jesus wants ALL of us to have His peace ALL the time.
"Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in EVERY way. The Lord be with you all."
If we believed in what Jesus said,
Would we need to raise the bar on the level of PEACE on our life?
Without knowing it, many of us have settled for a bargain basement level of peace,
BARELY scraping by to get to the next day,
BARELY making it to the weekend,
Just to BARELY recover and start another week.
That is not the type of peace Jesus died for.
Jesus wants us to have the FULL version of His PEACE at all times.
So how can you have this peace?
There's 2 simple things that can help...
1) Be in God's SCRIPTURE.
God's word feeds your spirit.
Without you can't be spiritually strong.
It's like your physical health. If you have brittle nails or hair you know your body is lacking something.
When you have anxiety and a lack of peace, you are spiritually lacking nutrition.
Scripture is like the SPIRITUAL super-food.
Eat it daily. Once in the morning and once at night for optimal performance. Take more doses as needed. ^_^
Here's a little snack to jump start you with some scriptures about peace - click here
2) Pray & LISTEN.
Talk to God. Make Him a part of your daily decisions in business, relationship, health and anything else. But make sure that after you vent or ask for stuff that you also LISTEN to Him and let Him tell you what He thinks. Once you ask Him, then close your eyes, PAUSE and WAIT to LISTEN for His response.
It will come as a seed of a thought so pay close attention. Sit in silence for a few minutes if needed. Have a pen and paper hand to write down what you feel He is saying to you. Practice this DAILY.
If you've never done this before, then just start. No biggie.
Baby steps.
God will teach you and guide you if you SHOW UP and try.
Give it a shot.
You'll be pleasantly surprised.
God never seizes to amaze.
Are you ready to raise the bar on the level of PEACE?
Are you done scraping the bottom of the barrel on PEACE?
Let's feed on God's word and build our relationship everyday.
When you find yourself stressed or anxious,
Take a PAUSE and read a quick bible verse on peace and pray.
Invite God into that moment and ask Him to cover you in His PEACE.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
I invite you into this moment,
Cover me in Your PEACE,
Turn my eyes from the world,
To looking up at You.
You are the creator of the universe,
You are in charge,
You give me life,
You are in control.
May I carry your PEACE deep in my heart,
And have enough to SHARE with others.
Thank You for your protection and provision,
Draw me closer to You today.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to a SUPERNATURAL level of peace that only God can give.
That's the good stuff!
Go get u some! ^_^