My Foolish Human Ways

A challenge comes up. 
I go into "fix it" mode.
I don't even think about asking God's for His input.
I solve it with my foolish human ways.

Oops. Something's not right.
Then I realize... "I didn't even check in with God at all about this."
Not again!

Actions speak louder than words.
Unfortunately, my actions say I rely more on myself than on God.
It should be the other way around.

The truth is:
God wants to be our everything.
He wants to guide us in ALL things.
He wants us to...
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. "

Let me ask you this...
Are you excluding God when you should be including him?
(I am.)
Did you put God on the sidelines when he should be quarterbacking?
(Oops, yes.)

God wants you to ask Him business questions too...
"God, should I pay for this marketing?"
"God, do you want me to hire this person?"
"God, is this the right client/buyer/seller/agent for me?"
"God, what do you want me to say in this situation?"

"Seek first the kingdom of God"

And for a change, how about we seek to please Him?
"God, how can I serve You today?"
"God, how can I put a smile on Your face today?"
"God, how can I help YOU?"

God is ready to rock your world if you let Him.

Are you ready to let Him into ALL your life?

Say this prayer:
Lord, I unleash the fullness of Your plans into my life.
Lord, I declare my heart to be Your territory.
I call upon Your promise to prosper me and to give me hope and a future.

In Jesus name I pray. Amen
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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