Non-Prayer Effect...

Do you ever wonder if your prayer matters?

Have you ever thought that God is going to do whatever He wants anyways so how much can we make a difference?

I want to remind you that prayer is not only effective but it is ESSENTIAL to being victorious here on earth.

There are things in this world that can meant to be PRAYED into.
There are WOUNDS that are meant to be COMFORTED with prayer.
There are FUTURES that are waiting to be SHAPED with prayer.
There are POSSIBILITIES that will only be UNLOCKED with prayer.


Because God wants to work WITH us,
PARTNER with us,
COOPERATE with us,

CO-LABOR with us,
To bring a slice of His Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

If God wanted to be victorious on His own, then...

- WHY did God require Moses to raise His hand during a battle to win? And when he lowered his hands, they started losing. Why didn't God just wipe out the enemy regardless of human cooperation?

"As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning."

- WHY did God require Noah to build an ark to save his family and animals? Couldn't He just make a force field around the good people and animals He wanted to save? Why did He have Noah build and put effort into something for so long?

- WHY did God have Elisha put a branch into the water to recover the ax head? Why not just have it magically float on top without the branch? Why did it require a human action?

- WHY did God require the widow to bake Elijah a bread with the last bit of food? Why not just have crates of flour and oil appear in her kitchen?

Over and over again, we see that God rarely just does something on His own.
He LOVES to work with and through people.
That is God's nature.
He always wanted a family business.
An environment where we all work together.

If God wanted a one-man show He would have never created us.
This would have spared the gruesome sacrifice of His one and only son.


There are possibilities that will remain LOCKED until opened with PRAYER.
There are futures that will NOT manifest unless spoken into with PRAYER.
There are lives that will NOT changed unless transformed with PRAYER.

God is waiting on US,
We are NOT waiting on God.

The Christian pandemic is PRAYERLESSNESS.
The lack of PRAYER is killing us.
The lack of PRAYER is sabotaging us.
The lack of PRAYER is blinding us.
The lack of PRAYER is corrupting us.


With PRAYER we can turn the tide.
With PRAYER we can heal our lands.
With PRAYER we can cleanse our government.
With PRAYER we can restore families.
With PRAYER we can have victory in every industry, in every corner of the earth.

PRAYER is like a laser guided nuclear ballistic missile into the enemy's camp.
PRAYER is like a wrecking ball against enemy strongholds.
PRAYER is like wildfire that can't be stopped.

It's what God asked us to do.

"I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way."

We need strategic PRAYER for our government.

We need strategic prayer for our school boards.
We need strategic prayer for our educational system.
We need strategic prayer for our neighborhoods.
We need strategic prayer for each industry.
We need strategic prayer for the arts.
We need strategic prayer for the media.
We need strategic prayer for businesses.
We need strategic prayer for the church.
We need strategic prayer for our children.
We need strategic prayer for spiritual breakthrough.
We need strategic prayer for revival.
We need strategic prayer for an awakening.
We need strategic prayer for Holy Spirit revolution that this world has NEVER seen and will NEVER need again because we will fulfill the Great Commission in such EXCELLENCE that it will give God justifiable reason to come back to us even ONE day sooner.

Lord, show us the way and help us follow.
In Jesus name, Amen!

"And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people."

Cheers to a PRAYER-filled life that transforms, heals and ROCKS your world!
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