Signs + Wonders = Good or Bad???
Are ALL supernatural things good?
Does supernatural accuracy mean it's good?
Last month, my friend John shared an experience regarding a tarot card reading that had amazing historical accuracy.
His question was, "If it's THAT accurate, does it mean it's good?"
Let's get some facts straight supernatural signs and wonders...
1) Both God AND Satan can display "signs and wonders".
"The lawless one [will use] signs and wonders that serve the lie, an all the ways that wickedness deceives..."
Example #1: Remember Moses in Egypt?
- Both Moses AND Pharaoh's priests turned rods into serpents.
- However Moses' serpent ATE the Pharaoh's serpents displaying God's power over Satan's.
Example #2: Jesus and the demonized man
- The crazy guy had supernatural strength that the normal Jews could not restrain.
- The guy broke chains, overpowered everyone and was craaaaazyyy!
- The guy has supernatural strength but it did NOT come from a good supernatural source.
" one could bind him anymore, not even with a chain."
2) Satan can regurgitate historical events with accuracy, but he can NOT predict or make the future.
- Satan has access to historical records so he's like a Google. That's it.
- Satan tries to TRICK you into thinking he can control the future, but he can't.
- Only God knows the future and has the power over it.
- Do not mistake historical accuracy with power over the future. Only God has that. Satan is only a wanna-be.
3) God forbids humans from interacting with ANY supernatural that is NOT from Him because it will cause us harm.
"Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out"
- The main reason God is so adamant about us not messing with non-Jesus supernatural sources (fortune telling, seances, worshiping idols, rituals of the dead or talking to the dead) is because it will cause us harm.
- In fact, exposure to non-Jesus supernatural source is an "open door" for Satan to enter into your life. Opening that door is like exposing yourself to a deadly virus with an infected person coughing on you. It's like a gateway drug or a first hit of heroine that destroys your life. Just don't do it. It's not worth it. It's like playing spiritual Russian Roulette. Not cool.

"Satan comes as an angel of light."
Many people get tempted towards horoscopes, astrology, palm readings, tarot cards because it seems "fun" or interesting. It's "light" and harmless, right?
Think about it this way...
Has a non-Jesus supernatural source ever lead anyone closer to Jesus?
The answer is NO!
They ALL distract you from Jesus and diminish your desire for Him.
They ALL turn your attention towards a supernatural source for that is NOT Jesus (aka horoscopes, fortune tellers, tarot cards, palm reading, speaking to the dead, etc).
Remember that God warned us about these things out of LOVE.
He's trying to PROTECT us.
He wants us to be SAFE and HEALTHY.
Playing with non-Jesus supernatural source creates an "open door" in your life for Satan to enter and it can wreak havoc!
As the world's desire for the supernatural is growing while the desire for God is shrinking... be careful in what you expose yourself to.
Be careful not to compromise yourself and expose yourself to a supernatural that is NOT of God.
PLEASE heed God's warnings.
Do NOT "play" with supernatural things NOT of God.
Hope this helps!