Source of the Best Ideas...

I don't know about you, but I'm in a stage in life where I'm ALL about work SMARTER not harder.

For 20+ years I ran and ran until my tank was COMPLETELY empty.
I thought I was being "smart" but I wasn't, it turns out.

It was so bad that my life "tanks" looked like...
Motivation tank = E (empty)

Energy tank = E
Idea tank = E
Everything... E, E, E, E!

I was like burnt bacon!
Not the good kind, but the one so overcooked it's like charcoal.

For most my life, I was living it up!

Chasing dreams,
Building businesses,
Growing a team,
Seeing results.
It was GREAT!

...until it WASN'T.

For 20+ years I ran on the steam of MY strength,
MY ideas,

MY inspiration,
MY will,
MY strength.
Then Boom!
I was burnt like bacon.
I happened gradually then suddenly.

Only if I knew about the greatest source of strength, knowledge and inspiration that would NEVER run out.

Then I wouldn't have used up all my resources and turned into a pile of ashes.

So what is it?
The thing I should have plugged into sooner?
The bigger, better source of ideas, strength and inspiration?

If you could TRULY wrap your head around how much MORE efficient it is to do business with God, you would drop everything and jump into that boat right now.

If you only KNEW how much BIGGER God thinks than us, there would be a line out the door to learn about God.

If you only KNEW how much more joy, peace, strength and hope comes from partnering with the ONLY entrepreneur with 100% track record past, present and future, you'd be knocking down His door to get His thoughts and opinions.

GOD is the BEST source of ideas, innovation, strategy and implementation.

I'm not saying not to have human partners and masterminds, but don't let that replace the mastermind you have with God each morning in your alone time with Him.

Every morning should be a spiritual and business huddle with God.
Read scripture, praise and worship, pray, chat it out.
Ask SPECIFIC business, relationship, health, fun/adventure planning questions.
There's literally NOTHING you should not discuss with him.
There's no such thing as too little or small for God.
He LOVES to hear from you about EVERYTHING.
Don't underestimate the value of His little tweaks and insight into the smallest activities.
It's fun once you get the hang of it.
It becomes more of a flow than a stop and go.
It takes practice.
It takes persistence.
But it's SOOOOOOO worth it.
I'm a work in progress but I can tell you it's already changed my life.
I know it can for you too.

What can you ask God about today that you didn't consider asking Him about?

Have fun!
Cheers to your ever-expanding God talks.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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