Start a Fire...
Today I'm not gonna sugar coat it.
Start a fire.
You are the spark.
You are the flame.
Be the light in the darkest day.

Oh, if I could show you what God has planned for you.
"Plans to prosper you and give you hope an a future".
If you would only make yourself available to Him by saying,
"Yes, Father God,
I am here.
I am available.
Use me."
Your desire will grow everyday.
Curiosity sparks will fly.
You don't know how,
You don't know when,
But you know you will make a difference.
I want to do something BIG with you.
Use my little human things to do BIG God things.
I seek You.
I yearn for You.
As if in a parched dry land.
Feed me.
Quench my thirst.
With your Holy Spirit.
This I pray."
My prayer for you is that God keeps growing your divine thirst and hunger.
I pray that it doesn't quench or fill unless God does it.
I pray that any false substitute of this earth taste fowl and bitter, leaving a greater hunger and thirst for God than before.
God will prepare you.
He will train you.
Then the time will come,
When He will release you.
God wants to use you to change the world.
God wants to use you to heal the broken hearts, families, children, businesses, governments, churches, media and health and restore them to His full glory.
Armies of men and women will rise to fight and take back territory for God.
Are you in?
Even though the world gets darker,
God's light will burn even brighter.
Unseen miracles, movement of the Holy Spirit,
Healings, transformations, acts of God will fill the earth like never before.
The spiritual battle is drawing to a climax.
Men and women of God will have the knowledge to tear down spiritual strongholds and stake claim in every land of this earth.
That every nation will proclaim Jesus is Lord and Savior,
Chains and generational curses will be broken.
New lives will be born from the old ones and it will spread like wildfire.
Mental or phsyical illness will be healed by God's power and the truth of His word.
The full power of Jesus' sacrifice will be on display.
The full power of the name of Jesus will come to light everyday.
Weak men will become strong,
Poor become rich,
Young men will dream dreams,
Old men will speak prophecies.
The day will come when there is no denying of a God that can shake the earth to it's core.
The day will come when we will be hot or cold for God.
No more luke warm.
No more sitting on the fence.
May we all burn so bright that from the heavens the earth looks like a big ball of Holy Spirit fire.
May it be holy and pleasing to God.
May all of heaven's angels rejoice.
Glory! Glory! Glory!
If there's a way to give You justifiable reason to come back to us even ONE day sooner.
Lord, show us the way and help us follow.
This we pray. In Jesus name, Amen."
So think about starting a fire today...
Think about it tomorrow.
And everyday thereafter.
Enjoy basking in the fire God has for you.
Soooo goooooddd!!!
Have a beautiful day!