That's Just The Way I Am...?

Hello fellow entrepreneur! ^_^ fellow crazies, lol.
I love you guys.

There's just something about the entrepreneurial spirit that is invigorating!
It's a spirit of hope, change and possibilities.
Wouldn't want to live any other way.

However, there is ONE thing that plagues so many entrepreneurs.
It's a thorn in the side that many carry.
However, removing can open you up to new possibilities!

The thorn is...
"I'm not organized. That's just the way I am."

Don't believe that lie!!!

Back the truck up.
That's not 100% true.

There's lies mixed in that.
So first we need to IDENTIFY the LIES from the TRUTH.

Like many entrepreneurs, being "organized" may not be your primary strength.

HOWEVER, it's like brushing your teeth.
You don't have to love the dentist to brush your teeth.
And if you don't brush your teeth, they will rot,

You don't have to be a neat freak to have ORDER in your business.
And if you don't have ORDER in your business, it will also rot from the inside out.

Without order, chaos ensues and it will wreck you mentally, financially and spiritually.

"God is not a God of disorder but of peace".

When your teeth rot, it causes cavities.
The pain will shoot to your head and it can become debilitating.

Your business is the same.
When you don't have systems in place to keep order, your follow-up and productivity will start to fail and cause pain.
The pain of lost opportunities,
The pain of dropping the ball,
The pain of anxiety and stress that keep you from sleeping or being present with your family,
or the pain of constantly putting out fires.

A business can NOT grow effectively without order and systems.
Don't believe the LIE that being organized all or nothing.
You don't have to be an organizational freak.
But don't be a disaster zone either.
Never surrendering to the idea that it's always going to be crazy like there's no way out.
That is a LIE from the enemy to keep you from reaching your potential.

The truth is there must be a reasonable level of GOD'S order to not have your business rot from the inside out.

Even God says...
"But all things should be
done decently and in order".

"Whatever you do, work heartily,
as for the Lord and not for men".

Look at your business as God's business that,
He just put you in charge of temporarily so you can hand over to the next steward.

How would you feel about ORDER differently?
What would you feel more responsible for ORDER?
Making sure someone else can step in without drowning in a sea of chaos?

Your business IS God's business.
It never was your own.
Nothing good in this life is.

So steward it well.
Starting now.

Ask God, "How do you want me to steward YOUR business today?"
"What order do I need to follow?"
"What systems do I need for YOUR business?"
"What do I need to stop ignoring today?"
"What can I spend 15 minutes on today in excellence?"

These are all great starting questions.

And as you look to this next chapter, season, new year or opportunity...

Since "God is not a God of disorder but of peace".
So you should be too.
Seek God's order, His pace, His peace in life at ALL times.
Even in business, health, relationships and finances.

Cheers to a new ORDER and God's peace.

What is ONE thing you need order in?
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