Tired of Being Strong

You're strong.
Really strong!
With all the weight you carry on your shoulders, you must be... right?

Do you ever feel yourself wearing down little by little?
Everyone else sees you as the "Energizer Bunny" but inside you can feel your energy waning.
You wonder how many more years you're going to last at this pace?
You keep telling yourself "just a little longer until I MAKE IT."

So I ask you...

Are you tired of being STRONG?

Do you feel like there's a better way?
Do you feel like your pace is a ticking time bomb?

God says...
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest... For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."

What does that mean?
It sounds nice.
How does it apply to real estate and business?

Once upon a time... (not too long ago)
I was a work-a-holic. 
Work ethic was my gift... or so I thought.
I worked HARD.
It felt good.

I was productive.
I was "successful".
I was going to conquer the world.

God and I were a little more than strangers.
I believed in Him.
I was saved.
Not much more than that.
Bare minimum Christian.

The truth is, I was too ignorant, proud and stubborn to seek God.
He let me chase all the worldly accolades.
He let me make money the human, fleshy way.
He let me wear myself down.
He let me work myself into the ground.

I finally came to a point where I reached my limit.
I was tired.
I was hungry.
I was ready to give up.
I reached out to God in exhaustion and desperation.

My prayers sounded a lot like the song "Jesus, Take the Wheel", except more pitiful.
Unfortunately I wasn't giving him the wheel of a well-tune machine...
I was giving him a run down ragged body.

But through His grace and mercy...
He heard my cries.
"God, help me want You more. 
That's all I got.

In the next 12 months...
I did a lot of soul searching.
I did a lot of surrendering.
I did a lot of resting and waiting.

Are you at a point where you know you need to stop doing it your way and lean into God?

Why are you trying so hard?
What is driving you?

If God's passion and love isn't driving you, please stop.
You will run yourself down.
You will chase the wrong rabbit.
I did.

It was REALLY HARD to admit I was tired.
It was my ego.
It was my pride.
The devil's voice disguised as my own said, "You don't get tired. You're too strong and good for that. Keep going. Don't give up."
The LIE that I can do it MYSELF was a killer.
It will eat you up alive.

The same lie may have already taken a bite out of you...
How's your health or your relationships? Family? Children? Mood? Mindset?
Are you kind or impatient and demanding?
Are you healthy or overweight and up and down?
It's like a slow rot.
It starts slow and becomes exponentially destructive.

I urge you to pause now.
Lean into God and ask Him to be your strenth.

"Dear God,
Be my strength and my shield.
Protect me from me.
Bind my ego and pride and humble me to look towards You.
Teach me to love you.
Teach me to want you more.
Unleash the fullness of your plans into my life.
I choose to trust you.
Deliver me from myself.
In Jesus name Amen. "

Take the first step today to start letting go of the wheel.
Defeat of the spirit of control and pride.
Surrender them to God.
Win this battle.
Win the war for God's purpose in your life.
There's a lot at stake.
You just don't know it yet.

"In Jesus name, I bind the spirit of pride and control and destroy them now.
In Jesus name, I let loose Your spirit of surrender, humility and love into my life right now.

God wants to use you boldly.
God wants to change the world with you.
He wants YOU.
Do you want Him?

The choice is Yours.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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