Today is the National Day of Prayer...!
Did you know that today is the National Day of Prayer?
It is the first Thursday of every May.

This is the time to be one nation under God.
Traditionally this day was in prayer and fasting.
Let's pray.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done on in the United States of America as it is in heaven.
Give us today a fresh daily baptism of the Holy Spirit,
To be ONE with You,
To go forth and claim victory for You.
Empower us to SEEK Your voice,
As ONE nation under God indivisible,
For liberty and justice for all.
Let us realize that the true pursuit of happiness is YOU,
True freedom and liberty is YOU,
Let us seek ONLY YOU.
Forgive our country for our trespasses against You,
Forgive our neglect in PRAYER and fasting,
Forgive our not SEEKING You in ALL things,
Forgive our corruption,
Forgive our greed,
Forgive our dark and dirty deeds that grieve You,
And may we forgive others like You have forgiven us.
Hear the prayers of your saints all across the country and globe,
Holy Spirit, come and heal and cleanse our lands,
Raise an army of men, women, young, old, born-again, found-again,
Let us be so HOT and on FIRE for You,
That we would fulfill the GREAT COMMISSION in such excellence,
It would give you JUSTIFIABLE reason to come back to us even one day sooner.
Lord, show us the way and help us follow!
We LOVE You,
In Jesus holy name we pray, Amen."
May we continually pray for our country.
May we take responsibility for the condition of this nation,
For our LACK of prayer and fasting from the body of Christ.
Remember there's tremendous divine power in prayer and fasting,
It has the power to heal lands and transform countries,
To redeem them from destruction,
The United States of America needs your prayers!
Oh that we may be holy and pleasing to God again,
But we have not bathed our country in prayer regularly,
Therefore we have odor that is not pleasing,
We have sinful residue that has built up,
The United States of America needs your prayers!
Here are 2 resources for you
1) Watch this - Prayer, Fasting, American History (7 min video - EXCELLENT) -
2) Intercessors for America - State Prayer Groups -
- Make time to pray with others for your state and the country. Make it a priority.
The United States of America needs your prayers!
Cheers to a RESTORED America as ONE nation under God.
P.S. Dear Jesus, please restore the pledge of allegiance in schools so we can DAILY declare this nation as ONE under God. Amen.
Have a blessed day!