Truth vs. Lies... Doing Business w/God

Hi {{first_name}},

Have you thought about REALLY doing business with God?

I sounds good, but...

Do you hesitate in living a poverty stricken life that leaves you scraping paycheck to paycheck?

I struggled with that most my life!

I remember sitting in church and seeing all the missionaries get put up on a pedestal for doing God's work.
It seemed like they literally gave up their lifestyle to spread God's news to all nations.
They spoke of the poverty in the 3rd world countries.
They spoke of how hard it was.

NEVER ONCE did I think that sounded great.
NEVER ONCE did that appeal to me as a child.

In fact, I remember praying "Dear God, anything BUT that. Anything!"

And the fact that I felt that way made me feel like a bad person.
I felt like I was selfish and unwilling to be a good Christian.

Guilt and shame was a thin cloud hanging over my Christian halo.
Not noticeable enough to address but present enough to keep me from WANTING to serve God fully.
There was always a big part of me that held back.
My heart wanted to serve God, but it JUST didn't fit with my lifestyle goals.

Hello, I'm Christine Lee and an entrepreneur at heart.
Entrepreneurs make money.
They build businesses.
Success is part of the equation.

How could that possibly fit with God's plan?

As far as I knew, it DIDN'T.
I had no desire to pursue a life of poverty as it went against every fiber in my being.

Then one day...

I noticed the growing tickle in my head that kept on saying...
Something's off.
It doesn't add up.

Why would God create me to be an entrepreneur if He didn't want me to use those skills?
Why would He give me a gift and expect me NOT to use it?
How could a LOVING God be so cruel?


God's not cruel.
He is a LOVING God with the BEST plans in mind for us.
He has plans better than our best plans.

If He gave me a gift, He must want me to use it!
I'm not meant for poverty and barely scraping by!
I'm designed to build, lead and inspire!
And I'm supposed to figure out how to use those gifts for God!

Breakthrough after breakthrough...
I dismantled the LIES of the ENEMY(aka satan, devil).
The lie that left me feeling guilty and ashamed of my entrepreneurship.
The lie that made me reject the possibility of doing business with God.
The lie that made me think that doing business with God meant no profit and poverty.

Instead, the truth started to set me free regarding what God's plan really looked like and what the enemy was trying to hide all these years.

Hi plans are far greater than anything we can imagine.
Our big plans are small compared to God's.

"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Are you willing to do business with God with these TRUTHS?
Are you willing to let God take you further than you ever imagined?
Are you willing to be God's vessel for provision and resource to move the Kingdom forward?

Reply "YES" if you're interested!

Cheers to your success.
Hope you choose God as your partner.
He's the BEST!

"Dear God,
I invite you to be my business partner, my counselor, my board of director.
Use the gifts you have given me to move mountains, nations and hearts across the globe.
Use me in unimaginable ways that gives you all the glory and praise.
Make me a testimony of your miracles and wonders.
In Jesus name, I unleash the fullness of your plans into my life. Amen."

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