"Broker" of Dreams
It's not about the money.
Money is the means to an end.
What do agents really want?
What's deep in their hearts that they want to do - with the money?
What I found is that agents have beautiful dreams behind the money.
Dreams of freedom.
Dreams of prosperity, a lifestyle they never had.
Dreams of raising and providing for their family.
Dreams of giving to charity and helping others (children, veterans, homeless, women).
Dreams that make the world a better place.

The truth is, when you are reaching out to an agent, you're not recruiting them, you're recruiting their dreams.
You're opening new possibilities to achieving those dreams.
You're breathing new life into it.
You're dusting off the disappointment and frustration to shine a ray of light and showing them a path to achieving their dreams.
You may be giving back a parent to a child that lost them to overworking in real estate.
You may be putting a roof over their head.
You may be providing an education for their kids.
You may be changing the trajectory of a new generation.
You may be "Broker"-ing dreams through real estate.
What you do matters, it always has.
You are meant to change lives.
You are meant to shine your light.
If you feel a little dusty or lost,
If your fire is burning low,
I'm here to tell you to fire it up, baby!
You have lives to change.
The world needs you.
The world needs the actions of today to make an impact for tomorrow.
You are a Broker of dreams.
Every call you make or meeting you have, you are touching dreams.
As a Broker of dreams you can transform dreams from dying to thriving.
You can speak words that breathe life into their hopes, goals and aspirations.
You are in this place at this time for a reason.
You are meant to change lives.
Remember that and step into connecting and recruiting with a purpose.
Go get 'em tiger!