God 'n Business Blog

Your Business is Your Ministry

Following God Fully...

There can be a vast difference in results when you follow something FULLY or not. Have you made...

Nothing but Manna...

Sometimes I can get in a rut where I just complain, And sometimes my complaints get so loud, That...

Tripping and Falling...

Have you ever felt like you were just tripping and falling all over yourself? Have you ever felt...

Breaking God...?

Do you ever have questions about God? How about the Bible? How about church, life, people, how...

When Life is Full...

When life is full and your schedule is packed, It's easy to miss Jesus in our day. When you're back...

Would It Have Made a Difference...?

Here's a question that we all come to wonder... Does my prayer really make a DIFFERENCE? If God is...

Tell Me More...

Does the way we ask for things matter? What happens when your spouse says, "Honey, can you get me...

God is a Double Dipper...

If you're have suffered much loss, And things seem broken beyond repair, And impossible to turn...

What's Your Life Goal...?

I was asked recently "What is your life goal?" When I heard that question, It flashed me back to...

Interceding for the Offenders

It's easy to love the ones who love you, It's easy to be kind to those who are kind to you, But how...

Physical vs Spiritual Training

I was someone who valued physical fitness. I enjoyed the challenge, I enjoyed breaking personal...

Remove the Thorns...

Have you ever had a thorn in your finger or toe? How about one that is so small that you can't see...