1-Upping God...

Go, go, go.
Push, push, push.
2x, 10x, 100x.
The idea of growth can be exciting... then exhausting.

I was in a season where...
If someone said "I'm going to double my business."
It was cooler to say "I'm going to TRIPLE my business."
It was even cooler to say "I'm going to 10X my business."
We were all 1-upping each others' goals to be big "visionaries".

You know you're going overboard when you're trying to 1-up God...

How do you do that?

In my prayers, I found myself saying
"God whatever you want times 100."

I was literally trying to 1-up God's plan. O_o
As if my plan was better than His because I multiplied it?
As if His plans weren't big enough.
As if I had to give God a boost.

It was similar to applying Toy Story Movie logic and saying...
-> "I love you."
-> "I love you more."
-> "I love you infinity."
-> "I love you infinity and beyond!"

But here's the thing...

The same mindset that would try to 1-up God was the same that wanted to keep doing more, bigger, better.
I never realized how "ON" my brain was in achieving,

I never realized how WIRED I was,
I never realized how HEAVY all that striving was until...

I learned the hard way.
Burn out.
Stick a fork in me, X_X.

It was like the blue screen of death on an old Windows computer.
It good thing was it forced me to slow down, pause and sit.
That's when I began to realize how heavy of a load I put on myself.

Taking a break from the striving, pushing and grind made me realize how exhausting that all is.
I began to see what impact it actually had.
I began to see how much energy I spent on trying to be "awesome".

Over the next couple years, I began to discover a new pace.
God's pace.
His sacred pace.

God loves us so much he would never grind us in the ground like we do.
God is so AWESOME He can get better results without it.
God is so much more EFFICIENT His path is the ULTIMATE shortcut.

The truth is that the BIGGEST, JUICIEST, YUMMIEST part of success can only come by following God's plan.
Let's get real.
Our plans suck compared to His.
It's like trash.
It's like the scum that feeds off the trash. (You get my point)

So let's get our head out of the gutter and go for the GOOD stuff.
God's stuff.

God says...
"My ways higher than your ways and
 My thoughts than your thoughts"

To help you digest... here's a look at 3 real-life examples of why God's plan is better than our plans and what's in it for you. Affectionately called...


  1. Light & Easy
    When you trust and know that God has the best plan beyond anything you can think of, then you gladly take your hand off the wheel. Instead of trying to optimize and organize the crazy amount of details and possibilities and PUSHING yourself to CONTROL them (which is exhausting), the ONLY think you need to focus on is being obedient to God. When you focus on God, He gives you one piece at a time and doesn't drown you in useless distractions. This makes life so much lighter and easier, which brings us to our next point...

  2. Maximum Efficiency
    When we focus on God and only God for our next steps, there are much less distractions because God will not have us jumping around and multi-tasking like a rat on acid. God is a God of order and peace, not chaos and distractions. If you take this to heart, you will eliminate sooooo many dead ends and road blocks. The shortest, most efficient path from A to Z is God's path.

  3. Least Hassle (Least Brain Damage)
    Most of our brain damage comes from our own selfish ambitions and aggressive actions. We rush, we push, we drag things up the hill that should have been left alone. We create a unnecessary frustration, heartache and brain damage that could have been avoided if we involved God in our decision making process. Cheers to avoiding all the unnecessary brain damage! Yes!

So I invite you today to let your hair down.
Let go of the white-knuckled grip you have on life.
Stop trying to control results and outcome.

Instead, let down your burdens, your over-cooked goals and aspirations and surrender them to God.

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

"Dear God,
Help me let go of the wheel.
Peel back the fingers of my white-knuckled grip on life and Jesus take the wheel.
I've messed up so much,
I've tried so hard,
But now it's Your turn.
Teach me how to surrender.
Teach me how to listen.
Teach me how to wait.

Most importantly,
Give me the desire to desire You more.

Cheers to the most efficient, amazing plan for your life evaaaa!!
(And it's not your plan)
God's plan!!!


It's the best business decision you'll ever make! ^_^

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