10th Commandment as a Love Letter...
Every law of the 10 commandment is a ray of sunshine into the heart of man,
Calling them to choose LIFE over death.
God chose the most essential things to address in the 10 commandments,
Things that would most commonly lead man to death.
God's laws are guardrails of LOVE,
They are God's calling for us to choose LIFE.

10 Commandments Law #10:
"You shall not COVET your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male or female servant, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor."
This last commandment is a deep one because God is addressing a ROOT issue that relates to many other laws.
Satan's sin of rebellion started from the seed of COVETING God's throne. He looked at God's throne and wanted it for himself and led a full rebellion in order to get it. How dangerous are the seeds of COVETOUS thoughts.
The Israel COVETTED gods of other nations.
They wanted what the other nations had,
So God created the 1st commandment.
Israelites COVETED the other nation's idol images of their gods,
They wanted what they had and copied their ways,
So God created the 2nd commandment.
When you COVET things enough to take it by force,
Murder is a means to an end.
How many murders occurred from COVETING money, power, drugs, and women?
So God created the 6th commandment.
When you COVET your neighbor's wife,
It leads to adultery,
So God created the 7th commandment.
The ROOT of stealing is a COVETING heart,
Wanting to possess what someone else unlawfully,
So God created the 8th commandment.
Is a TRUST issue with God.
Do we TRUST that God gives us everything we need?
Or do we feel we need more and want it enough to take our own action for it?
What does that say about what we think of God's provisions?
What is God's heart around COVETING?
What is He thinking or feeling?
Might He be saying something like...
"I love you My child,
TRUST in Me,
I will give you everything that you need.
If you TRUST Me,
You won't feel lack,
If you BELIEVE in Me,
You will be KNOW I will provide,
If you SURRENDER to Me,
You will be have PEACE in your soul always.
If you COVET,
You don't TRUST Me,
If you COVET,
You're turning AWAY from Me,
If you COVET,
You will lose your peace and be filled with ANGST.
COVETING separates you from Me,
Your source of LIFE,
It will lead to DEATH and destruction.
I want to spare you the pain,
I want you to LIVE.
TRUST in Me,
Choose LIFE.
I chose YOU,
To give you EVERYTHING,
Including My own Son,
So you can live LIFE abundanty.
My dear child, do not COVET,
Trust in Me,
I got you,
I love you."
We are at an all-time high on COVETING.
Social media breeds a COVETOUS culture,
It runs our desires,
Consumes our mind,
Causes comparison,
Poisons mental health,
And distracts us from God.
We need all the help from God we can get to overcome this trap.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for COVETING and NOT TRUSTING in Your provisions,
Forgive me for COMPARING myself to others,
Forgive me for COMPLAINING about my blessings.
Help me TRUST You and be SATISFIED in Your provisions,
Help me NOT compare myself to others,
Help me NOT covet what others have,
Help me REST in Your perfect provisions,
Help me be GRATEFUL with what You have given me.
May I want ONLY what You want,
May I hate what You hate,
Strip away anything that is NOT of You,
So I can ONLY have what You want for me,
Give me the DESIRES of your heart
And make all Your plans succeed.
In Jesus name Amen."
Cheers to TRUSTING God's provisions and not COVETING what others have.