1st Commandments as a Love Letter...

God's LOVE is in everything He tells us to do.
It's never to be harsh or overbearing,
But it's always to protect us and LOVE us.

The stronger His commands,
The greater the danger when not obeying.

Just as a parent would draw a hard line for something that would severely harm their child,
So God sounds sterns when something can really hurt us.

But underneath it all is the LOVE of God to be united with us,
To keep us safe,
And for us to have the BEST life for all eternity.

So what is the HEART behind each of the 10 Commandments?
What if we looked at the 10 Commandments like a LOVE LETTER?
What would it say?
What is the HEART behind each commandment?

#1: You shall have no other gods before Me.
God wants to be exclusive with you.
We are the bride of Christ and He will be FOREVER faithful to us,
But He also doesn't want his bride two-timing Him with anyone else.

It's like God is saying, "I love you so much. Be faithful to Me and I'll be faithful to you. I'll treat you better than any other husband ever will. Stay with me. Don't go anywhere else. The others will hurt you and lead you to death and destruction, but I will give you LIFE."

TRUTH: Jesus is LIFE. Any other "gods" we have in our life will lead us astray. Any other "gods" will hurt us, cause unnecessary pain and suffering and eventually lead to death.

"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light".

Work, success, achievement can be a god in your life if it comes BEFORE God. Is
God taking a backseat to work and pursuit of success?

Are you running with your hair on fire?
Is there never enough time?
Are you exhausted?
Are you on the path to burnout?
These are signs of death not LIFE.

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters."

God is not a taskmaster,
God is gentle,
God is kind,
AND He gets everything done beyond our imagination,
You just have to TRUST Him.

God is calling you, "Come back to Me. Trust in Me. Rest in Me."

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me LOVE You more,
Help me see Your HEART in ALL the things...

In Your word,
In Your commands,
In Your songs,
In my daily life,
In my relationships,
In my health,
In my finances,
In my thoughts,
In my desires,
In my prayers,
In my blessings,
May I feel Your heart's desires in ALL things and FOLLOW You.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Ask God today "How can I serve YOU today?" and wait and listen.
See what He tells you. It's my favorite question to ask DAILY.

Cheers to being in LOVE with God as much as He is with you (well, at least making progress ^_^).

Have a blessed day!
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