2 Types of Nights...

When you hear the word "dark", what comes to mind?

Is it joyful and exciting?
Or is it evil and dreadful?

There's one definition of darkness that goes something like this... "the time between when the sun sets and rises".
This definition focuses it's attention on the sun and is a beautiful perspective because it implies that darkness is NOT forever and that morning ALWAYS comes.

In Genesis, when God created light, He created morning.
And guess what?
God wants to give you a new morning!

As Jesus struggled with darkness or was seeking the light of God's will, He often retreated to the mountain to pray and even spent all nights praying.

"Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God."

There are two contrasting experience that Jesus had in prayer, two types of nights He experienced on 2 different mountains.

1) Mount of Transfiguration
2) Gethsemane

Jesus was pulling another all nighter in prayer and took his 3 closest disciples up with Him. In spite of His direction to pray, they fell asleep. But in the middle of the night they were awakened by a glorious light to see Jesus transform into "the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning"

Not only that, the 2 greatest prophets in their nation's history were chatting with Jesus.

"Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus. They spoke about his departure, which he was about to bring to fulfillment at Jerusalem."

This was an amazing experience. As Jesus is seeking God in prayer, the answers came in the form of heavenly visitors, flashing transformation and the voice of the Father Himself. This is the ultimate triple winner package of all heavenly responses.

Can you imagine How Jesus felt?
Encouraged, confirmed, clear on the mission, validated, energized, refreshed?

Then we have a totally different experience...

On the last night before His crucifixion, Jesus is so burdened with the weight of the mission and the sins of the world that He says,

"My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death"

Never before had the disciples seen Jesus in such a weak and depressed form. He was always filled with divine strength and wisdom that they were the ones needing counsel and comfort not Him. And now in Jesus' greatest time of need, His most trusted disciples were of no help and slept.

On this night on the mountain,
Unlike the night on the Mount of Transfiguration,
Heaven did not open up,
His clothing was not bright like lightning,
There was no voice of the Father,
Or heavently visitation from the greatest prophets.

There was only silence and darkness,
There was only increase grief and pain,
There was only sweats of blood dripping from his forehead.

"And being in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground."

If you're in a season where it feels like God has abandoned you,
Where it seems like God doesn't hear you,
Where your prayers seem unanswered,
Jesus experienced it too.

Even though it seems like all is lost,
Even though hopelessness abounds,
All is not lost,
There is hope.

Jesus died for us and experienced every grief and pain we could ever experience,
He also provided a way for our victory.

"God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it."

When it seems dark for oh too long,
When the troubles seem unending,
Remember that the night is not forever,
The morning ALWAYS comes.

If you're tired or exhausted,
Wondering when if there's an end to all the darkness,
Remember that the night is not forever,
The morning ALWAYS comes.

Whether you feel it or not,
Jesus is right NEXT to you,
Keep seeking Him,
Find strength in Him,
And your morning will SURELY come.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengtheneth me."

"Dear Jesus,

Thank You for experiencing the 2 nights for us,
Thank You for knowing what it feels like to hear nothing,
Thank You for experiencing every pain and suffering for me,
Thank You for conquering death and winning every battle for me.

Help me realize,
What have I to fear?
If You're with me,
Who can possibly be against me?

May I bear Your name faithfully,
May I bear Your fruits abundantly,
May my hope and peace be IN You,
My Lord and my savior.

Regardless of the night I experience,
Whether one filled with glory,
Or the one filled with silence,
May I keep my eyes fixed on You.

You are the author and perfecter of FAITH,
I will TRUST in You,
I will SEEK You,
I will FOLLOW You,
With Your help,
All things are possible.

Thank You,
I love You,
I praise You,
In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to a new morning for ALL of us!
Have a blessed week.

P.S. I take no credit for this message. This message is from a 24 hour prayer meeting I went to. I'm just regurgitating what the pastor said. ^_^
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