Christmas = Happy Birthday Jesus!

Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday to You.
Happy Birthday dear Jesus...
Happy Birthday to You!!!~~~

There's no doubt that Jesus changed the course of history and civilization as we know it.

His birth was the making of some incredible historical impact.
  • How the World counts time - B.C. (Before Chris) vs A.D. (Anno Domini, the year of our Lord)
  • The Bible - talk about a New York Best Seller for 2000 years in a row!
  • Christmas - one of the most celebrated holidays in the world.
The spiritual impact was even greater.
  • "Normal people" could not talk to God directly. Only the highest purified priests had this honor.
  • Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice so we no longer have to make animal sacrifices to God according to the old laws.
  • 24/7 access to Holy Spirit by everyone. This is only possible because Jesus came and died for us. We take this great honor for granted because He is so easily accessible.
  • Getting "saved" is as easy as accepting Jesus into your heart. It doesn't get simpler than that.
It's easy to make Christmas all about gifts, parties and family... which is great.
But let's remember the real gift and sacrifice of Jesus.

Here's a couple creative ways to thank Jesus from the heart.
1) Write Jesus a Birthday Letter
2) Buy Jesus a Birthday Card
3) Buy Jesus a Birthday Present

1) Spend quiet alone time with Jesus reading your card or letter and presenting your gift to Him.
2) Pick a couple worship songs to play and just celebrate Jesus and bask in His glory (kinda like setting the mood for a date).
3) Write down on paper or a journal the thoughts you are getting from your alone time. What you feel Jesus is saying to you or bringing up in your thoughts.
4) Respond with your own comments and questions on that same paper. Listen once again for any emerging thoughts or leading of the Spirit.

Just carve out some special ALONE TIME with Jesus.
I think that is one of the best presents you can give Him as time is our most valuable asset.

If you only knew how much Jesus craves to spend alone time with You.
In quiet.
In silence.
No distractions.
Just you and Him.

Make that your present to Him for His birthday.

"Dear Jesus,
Happy Birthday!
Thank you for coming down to this rotten earth to save us from death.
Thank you for bothering to save a race that you can easily replace with a single breath.
Thank you for not scrapping us Humans 1.0 and moving onto Humans 2.0.
Thank you for dying a gruesome death to save us all.

Show us how we can salute you,
How we can honor you,
How we can put a smile on Your face and a pep in Your step.
Make this Christmas all about You and not about us.
Create in me a humble and grateful heart.
Make me holy and pleasing to You.
In Jesus name I pray, Amen."

Merry Christmas, my brothers and sisters!

With love,

Christine Lee

P.S. Let me know if you plan on doing alone time with Jesus on His birthday! ^_^
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