3 Social Gathering Jesus Conversation Starters...

Although 'tis the season,
A season of merry-making,
A season of many holiday parties,
A season of many social gathering,
I wonder how many conversations about faith and Jesus are intentionally brought up.

Since we have been programmed by society to NOT talk about Jesus,
It can seem a bit awkward at first,
But it's easier when you're prepared,
It's easier when you have the words to say.

So here are some simple conversations starter question to talk about Jesus if you're at a social gathering.

Question #1: By the way, I'm just curious, what is your story when it comes to spirituality or faith? What did you grow up with and where are you at now with it?

Question #2: How do you feel Holy Spirit has been nudging you or leading you lately?

Question #3:What's your greatest challenge when it comes to spirituality or faith?

BONUS Question: Is there anything I can pray for you?... Tell me more about that. Can I pray for you right now? (And go for it!)

1) Practice saying these questions out loud 10 times ahead of time. They will feel more natural the more you practice. It will start to flow out and you will make it our own.

2) Ask Holy Spirit for boldness to talk about Jesus.

3) Just do it.  Think "geronimo~~~~!!" and go for it. YOLO it for Jesus!

"I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed."

"I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples."

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me remeber to talk about You at dinner parties,
In the middle of surface level conversations,
Take me deep with people,
About the things that REALLY matter in life,

Teach me how to ask questions that lead to talking about You,
Open the doors of conversation,
To share our faith,
To encourage others,
And help others draw closer to You.

Grant me boldness to be Your light,
To share Your greatness,
To strengthen others with the words that I speak,
To give others permission and courage to talk about You.

Create a hunger in me to want to know about the spiritual condition of my family, friends and neighbors,
Grant me the desire to offer prayer,
Grant me the courage to pray right then and there,
And see Your spirit move through me.

Lord, Your will be done at every dinner party or social gathering,
May all the glory be given to You,
Your birth,
Your sacrifice
I owe you everything,
I am nothing without You,
How can I serve You at ever dinner party I attend this Christmas season?

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to a starting Jesus conversations at your dinner parties this season! ^_^
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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