3 Steps to Managing your Budget w/God
As the market shifts and fear sets in, first human reaction would be... CUT, CUT, CUT!
Let me ask you this...
If you were hunting at night, would like to shoot with night vision goggles or not?
Of course you want night vision goggles!
Otherwise, you're shooting into the dark where you can't see anything, right?
So how's that different with the shifting market?
Do we know the future?
Do we know what is truly best?
Or are we making decisions based on EXTREMELY limited knowledge and making ourselves feel good about it?
If we understood how LITTLE we REALLY knew...
We would laugh at ourselves.
If we understood how UNPREDICTABLE the future is...
We would realize how foolish most our plans are.
But as long as we THINK we have the answers,
We will charge forward like idiots without night vision goggle in the middle of a war.
We will charge forward like fools without a clue.
But we will think we are "wise" because we are making sound worldly business decisions.
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong."
Let's play this out...
Me: O crap, gotta cut back everything! The market is shifting.
(Cut, cut, cut, hack, hack, hack...)
Me: O crap, I shouldn't have cut that, I didn't know I would need that! Now I have to pay more and it will take 3 times the effort to get it setup again. Arrghhh!!!
Me: (praying) God, the market is shifting, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to cut X, Y, Z?
God: Cut X and Y, but keep Z.
Me: But God, it doesn't make sense to keep Z. Are you sure?
God: Yes, keep Z. Trust Me. Follow Me.
Me: Ok, if You say so! O_o
Me: OMG, Soooo glad I kept Z. I would've never known. Thank You God! You da best! ^_^
The point is...
How do we really know?
What makes sense now may be a horrible idea later!
How do we really know?
So stop pretending to know.
Manage your budget with God
He's GOT you!

So here's 3 Steps to Manage Your Budget with God:
1) Make a list
- Make a list of all the budget items you want to review.
- This is so you can get a bird's eye view and review them with God.
2) Flag the items
- Take a deep breath and pray "God, show me which ones you want me to adjust and which to leave alone. Amen."
- Slowly look over each budget item one by one WHILE listening for God's nudge or prompting. As you glace over each budget item, if anything pops out or tickles your brain, flag it by circling it for further review.
3) Get the details
- After you made your way through the whole list, go back to the circled items one by one and ask the following questions and write down the answers on a sheet of paper:
- God, what do you want to tell me about this?
- God, what do you want me to do? Increase, decrease or something else?
- God, anything else? Can you make it clear?
Now you're getting instructions from someone that has night vision, therefore, YOU have night vision intelligence.
Don't go shooting blanks in the dark on your own.
Make business decisions with God.
It's just smarter. ^_^
Cheers to supernatural success!