4th Commandments as a Love Letter...
As we continue to look at the 10 commandments are a collection of Love Letters,
You can see both the heart of the Father,
As well as the heart of a husband loving His wife.
It's all about LOVE.
This 4th commandment is another one of God's provisions,
To give us time to REST in Him and LOVE Him.

10 Commandment Law #4:
"Remember the SABBATH day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a SABBATH to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord BLESSED the SABBATH day and made it holy."
The Hebrew word ‘shabbat’ means rest, pause, break, cease, remove, celebrate. Sabbath is not a rest because you're tired, but in God's case, because there is a reason to pause everything and celebrate!
Sabbath was an original part of the creation week from the very beginning of time when God created the heavens and the earth and all the way to Adam.
On the sixth day God created Adam and the first thing God had for Adam do on the 7th was to SABBATH, to rest... to celebrate.
Let's look at it from God's perspective. Adam is like a new born baby to God. What do us humans even do on the first day after a baby is born?
The parents hover close to the baby, staring at the baby, marveling at his or her every movement, touching it's little fingers and toes, and watching it sleep and breathe. New parents give all their attention to the new born baby. They have ZERO desire to work, they don't want to take phone calls, they don't want to go out to a restaurant to eat, they don't want to go shopping, they don't want to go to the gym, they just want to sit and stare at the baby and hold him or her.
That's what God was like. He saw his newborn child and He didn't want to do anything besides sit and stare at Adam. He just wanted to spend time with him. And as a matter of fact, He cherished this time so much that He didn't wait a year to celebrate the next birthday, it's like He said "We're going to do this EVERY week because I love you so much. I don't want to wait a year to celebrate with you I'm just going to bless the EVERY seventh day so we can SABBATH together."
So God setup this beautiful weekly pattern to schedule in a day of LOVE and CONNECTION. This is God's version of timeblocking. God timeblocked the seventh day for SABBATH as a day for LOVE. God is LOVE. He can't help but LOVE us and keep on creating new ways to do so. SABBATH is just another expression of His LOVE.
Another way to look at it is a husband wanting a weekly date night with his wife. How beautiful is that? To set aside a special time and really focus on your spouse, to really be present more than normal and to make each other feel loved and cherished.
God just wanted to have a date day with us every week,
As if spending time with us wasn't an HONOR enough,
He decided to BLESS the whole day,
Like frosting on the cake,
How cool and generous is our God?
So why WOULDN'T we celebrate SABBATH?
Why DON'T we do what God says and just pause all the worldly things and just REST in Him?
We get busy.
We have other priorities,
We easily forget what SABBATH all about.
Yet the heart of the Father is calling us back saying,
"Come to Me, My child,
To our special place just You and Me,
Come to Me and REST,
Come to Me and get to KNOW Me,
Today and forever more.
Let's celebrate LIFE together,
Let's PRAISE and WORSHIP together,
Let's REST together,
Let's GROW together.
ABIDE in Me and I in You,
Let's become ONE,
Let's feel each others' heartbeat,
Let's know each others' voice,
Let's be united in LOVE.
Come to Me, My child,
Come to Me."
We're YET to tap into the true meaning and potential of SABBATH.
So we must keep SEEKING and asking,
"Holy Spirit, what is Your heart around Sabbath?
How do YOU want me to celebrate it with you this week?"
If you ask the question, God will surely provide an answer.
Keep asking,
Keep seeking,
God's got you!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to do Sabbath the way YOU want,
I want to tap into YOUR heart and intention for Sabbath,
You've hidden so many gems for me to find,
You're waiting for me to pursue it wholeheartedly,
To pursue YOU wholeheartedly.
Teach me, Lord, about YOUR Sabbath,
Help me understand YOUR heart around it,
Help me be blessed by it,
Help me find YOU more each week,
To become ONE with You,
United in heart and spirit.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to SABBATH-ing with Jesus in a whole new way.
Let the Holy Spirit lead you into deeper understanding about SABBATH and what He wants to do with You this week.
Have fuuuuun!!! ^_^
You can see both the heart of the Father,
As well as the heart of a husband loving His wife.
It's all about LOVE.
This 4th commandment is another one of God's provisions,
To give us time to REST in Him and LOVE Him.

10 Commandment Law #4:
"Remember the SABBATH day by keeping it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a SABBATH to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord BLESSED the SABBATH day and made it holy."
The Hebrew word ‘shabbat’ means rest, pause, break, cease, remove, celebrate. Sabbath is not a rest because you're tired, but in God's case, because there is a reason to pause everything and celebrate!
Sabbath was an original part of the creation week from the very beginning of time when God created the heavens and the earth and all the way to Adam.
On the sixth day God created Adam and the first thing God had for Adam do on the 7th was to SABBATH, to rest... to celebrate.
Let's look at it from God's perspective. Adam is like a new born baby to God. What do us humans even do on the first day after a baby is born?
The parents hover close to the baby, staring at the baby, marveling at his or her every movement, touching it's little fingers and toes, and watching it sleep and breathe. New parents give all their attention to the new born baby. They have ZERO desire to work, they don't want to take phone calls, they don't want to go out to a restaurant to eat, they don't want to go shopping, they don't want to go to the gym, they just want to sit and stare at the baby and hold him or her.
That's what God was like. He saw his newborn child and He didn't want to do anything besides sit and stare at Adam. He just wanted to spend time with him. And as a matter of fact, He cherished this time so much that He didn't wait a year to celebrate the next birthday, it's like He said "We're going to do this EVERY week because I love you so much. I don't want to wait a year to celebrate with you I'm just going to bless the EVERY seventh day so we can SABBATH together."
So God setup this beautiful weekly pattern to schedule in a day of LOVE and CONNECTION. This is God's version of timeblocking. God timeblocked the seventh day for SABBATH as a day for LOVE. God is LOVE. He can't help but LOVE us and keep on creating new ways to do so. SABBATH is just another expression of His LOVE.
Another way to look at it is a husband wanting a weekly date night with his wife. How beautiful is that? To set aside a special time and really focus on your spouse, to really be present more than normal and to make each other feel loved and cherished.
God just wanted to have a date day with us every week,
As if spending time with us wasn't an HONOR enough,
He decided to BLESS the whole day,
Like frosting on the cake,
How cool and generous is our God?
So why WOULDN'T we celebrate SABBATH?
Why DON'T we do what God says and just pause all the worldly things and just REST in Him?
We get busy.
We have other priorities,
We easily forget what SABBATH all about.
Yet the heart of the Father is calling us back saying,
"Come to Me, My child,
To our special place just You and Me,
Come to Me and REST,
Come to Me and get to KNOW Me,
Today and forever more.
Let's celebrate LIFE together,
Let's PRAISE and WORSHIP together,
Let's REST together,
Let's GROW together.
ABIDE in Me and I in You,
Let's become ONE,
Let's feel each others' heartbeat,
Let's know each others' voice,
Let's be united in LOVE.
Come to Me, My child,
Come to Me."
We're YET to tap into the true meaning and potential of SABBATH.
So we must keep SEEKING and asking,
"Holy Spirit, what is Your heart around Sabbath?
How do YOU want me to celebrate it with you this week?"
If you ask the question, God will surely provide an answer.
Keep asking,
Keep seeking,
God's got you!
"Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to do Sabbath the way YOU want,
I want to tap into YOUR heart and intention for Sabbath,
You've hidden so many gems for me to find,
You're waiting for me to pursue it wholeheartedly,
To pursue YOU wholeheartedly.
Teach me, Lord, about YOUR Sabbath,
Help me understand YOUR heart around it,
Help me be blessed by it,
Help me find YOU more each week,
To become ONE with You,
United in heart and spirit.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to SABBATH-ing with Jesus in a whole new way.
Let the Holy Spirit lead you into deeper understanding about SABBATH and what He wants to do with You this week.
Have fuuuuun!!! ^_^