5 Halloween Truths Every Parent & Child Must Know...
A quick story...

The husband in the story is like God. We are the wife. God loves us so much and doesn't want us mingling with others that want to take us away from Him.
This is NOT a "you're going to hell" thing. No, not at all.
This is a "you're breaking His heart" thing. *sniffle, sniffle* :(
I did the same thing...
I used to dress up as a witch every year and make my rounds in neighborhoods like I was on a mission!
I filled my pillowcase and kept going until my feet would barely move and my eyes were closing on their own.
I have fond memories of halloween and trick-o-treat-ing, BUT...
If I only knew what I'm about to share, I would have done things differently.
I hope what I'm about to share is received with gentleness, kindness and love. It's not comfortable but I feel the knowledge and the TRUTH must be shared in it's entirety.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge".
5 halloween TRUTH Every Parent & Child should know...
Halloween originates from a Celtic festival called "Samhain" where they summoned the god of death at night because they believed the boundary between the living and the dead were the weakest so that the spirits of the dead can return to earth. This festival was all about celebrating the god of death and communication with the dead. Necromancy, which is communication with the dead, was extremely common and rampant.
LIES: It's just a harmless fun holiday for kids to get candy.
TRUTH: The bible clearly forbids idolatry (worshiping other gods) and necromancy (communicating with the dead) in any shape or form. Satan is very good at making his evil deeds look fun or harmless. Satan put a new label on this practice of idolatry and necromancy and has convinced many Christians that it's ok.
EXAMPLE: This is like riding in a car that has been exposed to toxic waste and is radioactive and calling it "cute" because you put a fresh coat of yellow paint on it and decorated with flowers. Giving something a new name or a label doesn't make it's origins any less toxic or demonic.
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
Halloween is a festival ROOTED in idolatry, necromancy and is demonic. It's the OPPOSITE of God.
"Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God." (Lev 19:31)
"If a person turns to mediums and necromancers, whoring after them, I will set my face against that person and will cut him off from among his people." (Lev 20:6)
"And he burned his son as an offering and used fortune-telling and omens and dealt with mediums and with necromancers. He did much evil in the sight of the Lord, provoking him to anger." (2 Kings 21:6)
"Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons" (1 Tim 4:1) - COSTUMES
Costumes became a part of halloween for 2 reasons. The first is to blend in with the demon spirits. During these festivals they began to see the demons (spirits of dead) roaming around the city so they would dressed up like goblins and ghosts to blend in and not be recognized or messed with. Original cosutmes were made of animal heads and skins. It was not cute or pretty as the spirits/demons they saw were dark in nature. Second reason people wore these death costumes was to try take on the power of the demons. Overall, everything related to costumes had to do with death a the festival focused on idolatry and necromancy. Not cool and dangerous.
BONUS FACT: Later the Pope tried to bring Christian and pagan practices together and merged this demonic festival with All Saints Day and used the idea of dressing up as saints to parallel the dressing up of the pagans as dead spirits. That was like putting lipstick on a pig. It doesn't change the demonic origins of halloween. Ironically, it turns out the Christians dressing up as saints was still a form of dressing up and celebrating dead people. Oh, dear...
LIES: By changing from dressing up as demons (dead spirits) to saints made it Christian friendly. And costumes are cute and harmless, right?
TRUTH: God has never justified a Pagan practice of worshiping the dead or demons and made it holy or acceptable. In fact, God abhors mediums and necromancers. Bottom line, idolatry and necromancy creates distance from us and God, NOT make us closer. As a result that makes Satan happy and God sad.
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
So is it worth the fun and the candy? - JACK O LANTERN
Where did the scary faces come from? Back in the day, they took turnips, gourds, pumpkins and carved out a scary face and put a candle in it so when these roaming spirits (demons) would come to their house, it was meant to scare them off. They believed these jackolanter had some power to ward off the spirits.
LIE: It's just a harmless pumpkin.
TRUTH: The jack-o-lantern is connected to a demonic belief system, a doctrine of demons. Playing with any form of demonic practice will open up doors to demons. It is not something to be taken lightly, which is why God came agaist it so strongly throughout the bible. Would you allow your kids to play with a ouija board? Why not, it's a harmless board, right? Well, halloween is not just a candy holiday. It's a demonic holiday. Who knew a jack-o-lantern had such roots?
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" - TRICK OR TREAT
During this festival where demonic spirits would roam, there was also a lot crime and mischief with the young humans that developed. Townspeople knew these troublemakers would be dressing up as spirits so they were bribing them to not cause trouble by putting a treat out on their porch so when these young people came, they would take the treat and leave their property safe and move on to the next house.
LIE: The phrase "trick or treat" is so cute. There can't be anything bad about that, right?
TRUTH: This was a fearful attempt to pay off the troublemakers of society that was born out of a demonic festival. It's no different than trying to appease and pay off a mophia. Satan has now made this practice "cute" and candy-filled and kids are repeating this practice with smiles on their faces. Again, Satan did a great job of turning something with evil, fear-based origins into something "cute". Hook, line, sinker.
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light" - SATANIST LOVE THIS HOLIDAY
Satan worshipers, witches, celtics, pagans, anyone into the demonic realm LOVE this holiday! The founder of the Satanic church, Anton LaVey said "I am glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year." He also said that halloween is the third most important holiday to Satanist around the world.
How did Christians come to celebrate a holiday that Satan worshipers love?
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
LIE: halloween is not evil. It's just a fun thing for kids.
TRUTH: Kidnappers will use candy and puppies to attract kids into their vehicle to capture them. Don't you think Satan is using that trick here also? Just because candy and cuteness is involved does not make it safe.
"Satan disguises himself as an angel of light"
But isn't it amazing how ignorant we are of most of this?
I only found out these details several days ago and I had to share it!
This is not about guilt, shame or condemnation.
It's a simple "now you know", "so let's fix the BOO BOO". (pun intended, get it? LOL ^_^)
But now that you have the KNOWLEDGE...
What will you CHOOSE to do?
Here's a couple clarifying scriptures to consider...
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons too; you cannot have a part in both the Lord’s table and the table of demons."
Are we trying to have the candy without the demon while dancing with him at his party?
"No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do NOT want you to be participants with demons."
God does not want us mingling with demonic festivals and practices. These are things that should not be compromised. Never once did God permit the mixing of pagan or demonic practices and neither should we with our children.
"Dear God,
Forgive me for breaking your heart around halloween.
I renounce, reject halloween in Jesus name.
I break agreement with any and all witchcraft, idolatry, sorcery, curses, hexes in my life in Jesus name.
I destroy all plans, schemes, devices of the enemy known and unknown against me or my family in Jesus name.
I place a hedge of protection, a wall of fire of the Holy Spirit around me and my family in Jesus name.
Father, lead me, guide me, guard me.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
In Jesus name, Amen." - TURN FROM YOUR WAYS (REPENT)
Repent means to TURN from your ways, change your mind or heart.
That's it!
God is simple.
He doesn't hold grudges.
He knows your heart.
Don't do it again.
God loves you always! - HELP OTHERS
There are so many people that do not know this info.
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge"
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Below is a childrens book that explains everything you just read for kids. You can simply read the book to your kids to educate them. So easy! Here's the link... Mommy, Why Don't We Celebrate Halloween?
Thanks for hanging in there!
Cheers to knowledge and freedom of choice. ^_^