7th Commandment as a Love Letter...

The 7th of the 10 commandment is also one that makes you wonder,
"Did that really need to be a law? Isn't it obvious?"

However, God never wastes anything, especially a law that is part of the 10 commandment.

This is an invitation to ASK God what He was thinking and feeling when He was made this into a law.

Ask "God What was Your heart around this when You wrote this? What were Your thoughts and feelings?"

10 Commandments Law #7:
"You shall not commit adultery."

SCENARIO: The Israelites had picked up really bad relationship habits from the Egyptians over 400 years. Idol worship involving sex and orgies were normal. Sleeping with your brother or father's wife was a thing. Sleeping with your sister or cousin was a thing. So this law was desperately needed by the time God gave it to them.

God created marriage and the family unit to be an incubator of LOVE.
He intended for man and wife to become one, stay as one,
Not to be ripped and torn apart by infidelity.

When Jesus came along, He gave an upgraded version of this law by saying,

"You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Jesus understood the bigger picture of adultery,
He understood the full impact,
He understood the generational consequences,
And that this was about more than just man and wife,
God was also protecting the family unit.

The core of society is the family unit.
When the family unit breaks down,
So does society,
When adultery takes place,
The family unit breaks.

Broken families yield broken relationships,
Broken relationships yield hurt people,
Hurt people hurt people,
Leading to a life of trauma, scars and self-destructive behavior,
That lead to DEATH in health, relationships, purpose and life.

God knew that adultery is not simply a marital issue,
It is a LIFE or death issue.
So in this 7th Love Letter of the 10 commandments,
A cry of God's heart may sound like this...

"I love you, My child,
You were designed for LIFE-giving relationships,
Relationships that will bless thousands of generations,
Relationships that will transform nations.

Be loyal,
Be faithful,
When you honor your marriage,
I can bless your relationships,
When you cherish your family,
I can multiply your happiness,
Adultery blocks my blessings,
Adultery destroys LIVES and brings death.

Don't drink the poison of adultery,
Keep it far from you,
Satan masquerades as an angel of light,
Do not fall prey to his schemes.

Be on guard,
Stand firm in love and faith,
Stay close to Me,
So that you will LIVE and LIVE abundantly.
I am with you,
I LOVE you always."

May we see adultery the way God sees it,
Understanding how it starts,
As a seed of a thought,
Planted in our mind,
We can grow it or uproot it,
We need Holy Spirit to guard to the garden of our hearts.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank You for Your 7th Love Letter,
Thank You for warning us about adultery,
Thank You for Your guardrails,
Thank You for protecting us from death and destruction,
Thank You for being the author of LIFE.

Help me be loyal like You,
Help me cherish my family like You,
Help me forgive those who have hurt me like You.

Thank You for the family unit,

Thank You for the family You've given me,
Even when it's rough and imperfect,
Thank You for always being right here with me.

Grant me Your faith,
Grant me Your love,
Grant me the joy of obedience to You.

You know all,
You see all,
You LOVE all.

I love You,
I praise You.

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to loving God by loving our family!
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