9th Commandment as a Love Letter...

The 9th law in the 10 commandments is interesting because it makes you wonder why God put it the way He did?

He uses the words not to give "false testimony", but why didn't he just simply say not to "lie"?

Was there a reason for this choice of words? If so, why?
What was God's heart around this law when He made it?

10 Commandments Law #9:
"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."

CONTEXT: In the Isrealite's legal system, 2 witnesses giving their testimony can convict someone of a crime. A testimony was a part of their justice system.

So what would happen if someone were to give false testimony?
They could be fined,
They could be banished,
Worst case, they could die.

God loves ALL His children so much,
It would mean the world to Him,
For us to love EACH OTHER.
That's why only the first 4 commandments talks about how to love GOD,
But the remaining 6 talks about how to love OTHERS.

"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another."

It's as if God's heart is screaming,
"I want you guys to all just get along.
Do you realize how individually hand-crafted you are?
There is no one without my divine spark,
There is no one with a unique ability,
There is no one with the love of God living inside of them.

If you only knew how much I love you ALL,
If you only knew how much it breaks my heart to see you fight,
If you only knew how I long for harmony amongst you.

Don't let Satan get into your heart and create division,
Don't use the justice system I gave you to bring death to each other,
Don't be a cancer cell to each other that consume another's life through lies,
But bring LIFE to each other,
Carry my light inside of you,
And bring LIFE to each other.

I LOVE you so much.
Care for one another,
LOVE one another,
Cherish one another,
See each other through MY eyes,
And you will see the seeds to beauty and perfect love planted in each one of you.
LOVE each other My children, LOVE."

God loves us unconditionally,
And He wants us to do the same,
Because when we do,
We can change the world.
When we do, we will unite as one body,
And fulfill the Great Commission,
And give Him justifiable reason to come back to us even one day sooner.

LOVE is the answer,
LOVE is the key,
God is LOVE.
If we don't have LOVE,
We don't have God.

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me LOVE my brothers, sisters and neighbors as You love me,
Pour into me Your spirit of LOVE,
Your spirit of PATIENCE,
Your spirit of KINDNESS,
That I may be a holy and pleasing representation of You.

By the way I treat others,
May others be curious to You,
By the way I serve others,
My others become drawn about You,
By the way I love others,
May others fall in love with You.

Lord, mold me, shape me and fill me,
I am Yours and Yours alone.
I love You,
I praise You,
I need You,
In Jesus name, Amen."

"By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

Cheers to being a light for Jesus and drawing others closer to Him by the way we LOVE each other.

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