A Birthday Worth Celebrating... One Nation Under God
We are truly blessed to live in such a prosperous country.
One that has been shown favor because our roots are in Him that never fades away.
There is much to be thankful for today.
The brave soldiers that fight for our freedom.
Our parents that have brought us here or birthed us here.
We are all immigrants from another nation, just a matter of which generation.
We live in the wealthiest country in the world.
We live in the free-est country in the world.
We live in the most powerful country in the world.
With this comes great responsibility.
I ask you this day to PRAY for our country.
No matter how excited or disillusioned you may be with our leaders or fellow citizens,
We are all of God's children.
We are ONE Nation Under God.
If you believe in the power of prayer, then you will know...
It is the weapon of choice for followers of Christ to engage the enemy in.
It is the nuclear ballistic missile that can blow up the enemy's evil plans.
It is the designed to tear down strongholds of fear, hate, anxiety, greed, corruption, sickness and pride.
The things that torment our loved ones in front of us and across the globe.

On this day of celebration, the best gift you can give our country is the gift of PRAYER.
"I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
PRAY for our leaders,
PRAY for our politicians,
The dirty ones and the clean ones,
The crooked ones and the straight ones.
PRAY that they all come into alignment with God's will.
Cuz then what does it matter the label they have?
Republicans, Democrats, Purple People Eaters, so what?
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."
God is waiting on our prayers to continue changing hearts, making waves and transforming nations.
God wants to co-labor with us.
God wants to work cooperatively with us.
God always wanted a partnership with us.
Never did he want to do things on His own or He would have never created man.
Never did he want to leave us hanging or He would not have sent His son to die for us.
Never were we meant to thing that prayer is a lame duck tradition.
Prayer is powerful.
Prayer is a gateway to victory.
Prayer is a weapon of heavenly places.
Prayer is the ultimate ace up our sleeve.
Pray that we become ONE nation under God.
Pray for unity, harmony... God's will be done.
Pray for heaven on earth... God's will be done.
Pray for peace and victory... God's will be done.
"if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."
We don't have to know the nation's top secret to make an impact... we can simply pray.
We don't have to be a political genius to pin point issues... we can simply pray.
We don't have to love politics to help our country... we can simply pray.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
On this glorious birthday of our country,
We pray that we live up to being One Nation Under God.
Reshape us to truly be One Nation Under God.
Open the hearts and minds of our youth,
Revive the souls of our elders,
Light on fire the desires of our mothers and daughters,
Grant our fathers and sons the heart of a lion,
Raise an army of spiritual warriors to tear down strongholds and shine your light.
May our testimonies and victories be irresistible to those who don't know you,
May our heart overflow with love and the mind of Christ.
Change the world as we know it to delight You.
Show us how to represent You here on earth.
Show us how to live a SUPERNATURAL life with You.
Thank You for this birthday of our nation.
Thank You for your protection and guidance.
Be forever pleased with us.
Let us not go astray, but guide us back always.
We declare victory on behalf of this beloved Godly nation!
In Jesus name, Amen."
Happy Birthday America!
God bless!