A Country that Seeks God... Industries & Business
Do you remember when...
Harvard, Princeton and Yale were institutions for God.
They were founded to teach God and spread God to all the nations.
Harvard was founded by John Harvard, a pastor who donated all his books to form the John Harvard library and upon his death half his estate was given to the school.
Ivy league schools that were formed to serve God.
Now it is one of the toughest strongholds in the country for anti-God sentiment within the educational system.
We were once a country that looked to God for everything.
Back in the 1800's...
The brightest and best young men were sent to college, paid for by the town to bring more of God's word and knowledge back to the town.
Harvard, Princeton and Yale were all Bible colleges.
God was a major CENTRAL focus.
Ministers would be used for the most important decisions.
For example...
When legislature were at deadlock, a minister would come to mediate.
When police departments were at a stalemate, a minister would come to break the tie.
Government, business and the people were SEEKING God in all things.
I believe that God blessed this nation beyond belief in such a short period of time because of it.
This country's heart was founded on the desire to seek God freely.
Our forefathers were strong men of faith.
Our presidents repeatedly called the nation to fasting and prayer.
As a result, our wonderful God showed favor on this young, infantile nation.
We've come quite a ways in a short 243 years.
Older nations such as Egypt, China and Switzerland, have been around for 3000+ years.
The United States of America, after only 243 years, is the most powerful nation in the world.
I love this country.
God loves this country.
The question is...
How can we love God MORE as a country?
How can we SHARE God's true love more as a country?
Can you imagine this country's future with God as the CENTERFOLD?

Can you imagine Elon Musk coming to God in prayer about his inventions?
Can you imagine Tesla holding a corporate fasting and praying for breakthrough and favor?
Can you imagine the President humbling himself before God for forgiveness and revelation?
Can you imagine the all the Fortune 500 companies holding board meetings with a minister to mediate and impart God's plan?
Can you imagine every school board starting off in prayer with a minister on staff?
Can you imagine every child hearing God's voice as a new norm?
Can you imagine how the power the presences of the Holy Spirit would be on this country if we united as ONE body of Christ?
No more Republicans or Democrats, Catholics, Protestants, Baptist, Lutherans, Pentecostal, and all other 100+ splinters of denominations?
Can you imagine the LOVE of Christ uniting us all through any trial or tribulation?
O I yearn the day when the presence of God is stronger than ever.
I yearn the day when every large corporation gives away millions to God.
I yearn the day when every neighbor, school, widow and orphan and unborn child are loved and taken care of by the body of Christ.
I yearn for the day when EVERY arena will overflow with the Holy Spirit.
Whether it's the Olympics, Cross-fit competition, NFL Football game, NBA Basketball game, technology conference, Silicon Valley angel investor meeting, TV game show or reality show, or NASCAR race.
I yearn the day when everything on earth will point back to God and give Him glory.
O I yearn the day when Christ is the center for everything PRACTICAL and SPIRITUAL.
"Dear God,
Show us how you want us to dream.
Teach us your ways.
Expand our minds to even greater possibilities,
You are the source of genius for Einstein and Elon Musk.
Be our source today.
Show us the way and help us follow.
This we pray in Jesus name.
Dream BIG.
Dream big WITH God.
Then SEEK Him. Listen. Obey.
Th-th-th-that's all folks!