A Goal We Forget to Set...
We are taught to set goals in business.
It's important.
It helps set your intentions on achieving a certain result and hold you accountable.
We do it well for our own wealth and kingdom...
But how about God's kingdom?

Have we ever set an goal for how many people we want to save this year by leading them to Jesus?
I haven't.
I've set goals out the wazoo for everything else...
- Money
- Weight
- Healthy
- Vacations
- Food
- Relationships
- Events
Never have I set a goal for the year for leading people to Jesus.
I've done it as a one-off and super excited that it happened, but it's totally unplanned.
Here's the opposition:
- How can you plan for that?
- That's not in your control?
- What can you do?
Well just like many dreams or visions, you start out with the "what" and the "how" will follow. That's where God comes in.
- It's ok that you've never done it before.
- It's ok that you don't know how.
- It's ok that you feel uncomfortable.
That's perfectly OK!
So are you going to let that stop you or shall we get started?
So here's...
3 Simple Steps to have a Goal for Saving Lives
(by leading people to Christ).
1) Determine the Goal
- Ask "God, how many people do you want me to save this year?"
- Why decide this on your own. What do us humans really know anyways, lol?
- Close your eyes and ask God this question and just wait and listen. What answer comes up for you? If it feels right, go with it or keep praying this until you feel like you have an answer.
2) Ask God for help
- Pray "God, please help me lead [#] people to you. Send the right people my way. Open my spiritual eyes to see and ears to hear the opportunities you put in front of me. Use me to move the kingdom forward. In Jesus name Amen."
- There's a theory that God is eager to answers these prayers more swiftly than others as there is a shortage of willing and available hearts. Be on the lookout. Opportunity is coming your way! Wohooo!!
3) Ask God for wisdom
- Pray "God, please grant me wisdom and guide my words, thoughts and actions to lead people to You. Open up conversations with ease and teach me Your ways. I trust You will provide all that I need. Thank you. In Jesus name, Amen."
What else do you need?
God will provide.
FYI: Just as a benchmark, what is a good number?
- I heard a pastor say that he personally has a goal of leading 1 per month to Christ. That's outside of his church and pastoral influence. Just in everyday encounters like his hair dresser, waitress or whoever crosses his path.
So if a pastor can shoot for 1 per month or 12 per year...
Shouldn't we start asking God for 1 per year?
Then grow to 2, 3, 4 per year and build up to 12?
In the next blog, we can discuss how EASY it is to save someone when God sends them to you.
OMG! Everyday people setting goals for the Kingdom!
Who'd a thunk it?! ^_^
What's your number?!