A Loving Business Challenge...
As we approach the new year, I want to LOVINGLY CHALLENGE you to two contrary views that go against "human" tradition of growth and success when planning for the new year.
It's the recipe for greater, longer lasting success.
You in? [Yes!]
"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ."
What is human tradition for business planning?
We always ask "How can be grow by X percent or X dollars?"
What if the question was something totally different?
What if it was, "God, what do YOU want us to focus on? What is your will for this next year?"
Then we shut up and listen.

When's the last time you did THAT for business planning?
When is the last time you asked God about HIS goals and let HIM lead,
Versus giving Him YOUR goals and asking Him to bless it.
It's time to grow up.
A child would tell a parent what they want and demand it immaturely,
But a mature business person of a Fortune 100 company...
He has a board and chairman of the board.
He is guided by the board and is held accountable by them.
He seeks to meet the board's approval.
In addition in a Godly business...
You have a chairman of the board that is a universally revered business genius (one that makes Elon Musk look like a baby) with a 100% track record of success.
His name is God.
Do we treat God as if he is the greatest businessman in the world with a 100% success rate?
Do we look to him FIRST for strategy and advice?
Or do we check on him last minute when we're in a pinch?
The most important thing we need to do is surrender to God's will and not our own.
We need to seek God FIRST to and cooperate with Him to come up with a business plan.
Here's the thing...
God is so weird, good, out of the box, too cool to be real.
You NEVER know what He's going to say next.
He could say...
"I will double your business next year. Get ready."
"Wait on Me. Strengthen your foundations. Do not proceed."
"Shrink in size. Do less. Seek Me more."
The truth is... who knows what God is up to?
But the only SURE thing is, He's right.
100% of the time.
Just do what He says.
Even when it seems foolish and stupid.
That's when you know it's about to get good.
God's ways are higher than your ways and sometimes as entrepreneurs who are so driven and self-made, God may want to do something different in your life.
God may want to set you up to show off His muscles as he flexes his pinky finger.
Think of it like this...
If following YOUR will can get you 10X results,
But following GOD'S will can get you 100,000X results,
It's a no brainer to follow God, right?
However, it's easier said than done.
When you're used to doing things intellectually, financially, practically, it's hard to let got and ask God to take the wheel.
But you MUST.
If you TRULY want to take your business to the next level, it's absolutely necessary.
You MUST "seek first the kingdom of God".
This means surrender.
This means truly recognizing that God's plan is better than yours.
This means truly believe your best plans is child's play to God's plan.
Get curious about God's plan.
Get bored with YOUR plans,
Get committed to discovering GOD'S plans.
Get hungry for a miracle.
Get thirsty for "what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him".
If you're not all over that like white on rice,
That's like rejecting a 1000% guaranteed ROI deal. O_o
Have you heard of the phrase "God's Impossible Math"?
This means that when we are obedient to God,
Especially when God has us go against human wisdom and logic,
He can restore and multiply beyond any human understanding.
God's Impossible Math.
It's the good stuff.
Blessings beyond human plans and capacity,
Restoration that exceeds imagination.
So good that you can't make it up if you tried.
You can't do it when you want,
You have to do it when God wants.
So I want you to NOT assume ANYTHING as you do your business planning this year. Do it with God.
Ask Him questions and the shut up and listen.
Write down anything you see, sense or hear.
Keep writing.
Keep asking.
Keep writing.
I want you to surrender your hopes, dreams and goals to Him this planning season.
I want you to be so moldable that if God wants to turn your lump of coal into diamonds and needs you to sit still for a while, you can do that.
If God is ready to use your diamonds and is opening doors BUT He is instructing you to turn down 9 out 10 opportunities,
I want you to hear so clearly you have full confidence in what God is telling you to do or not do.
You have full confidence to let go of killer opportunities even when it looks like God's hand, you know it's not.
Are you ready, willing and able to hear God's voice well enough to do what DOESN'T make sense?
It's all about being sensitive to God's desires and hungry for HIS will, not yours.
"Dear God,
As this year ends and the new one is approaching,
Align me with Your will.
Help me seek YOU first.
Enable me to hear Your voice so clearly that if you want to make a hard left turn, I can hear You and be obedient.
Help me hunger and thirst for You more each day.
Allow me to be more sensitive to Your Spirit.
Use my business to move the kingdom forward.
Let me experience a SUPERNATURAL business with You.
I hand it all to you.
Jesus, take the wheel.
My business is YOURS.
In Jesus name, Amen."
God just took you up on that prayer.
Get ready for some God action!
Cheers to the new birth and transformation of your business!
So excited for you. ^_^