A Unique Gift of Pain...
I feel...
Pain and heartache,
Tough times that feel like thousand pounds sitting on my shoulders,
Tears flow when the sadness keeps coming in endless waves.
The struggle is real.
The pain can be unbearable, but for a moment.
As I consume messages to lighten my soul, there are 2 points I found curious and interesting...
First one is:
"There's only measures of [God's] presence that we can only find in the valley of the shadow of death."
What if there is a special flavor of God that can ONLY be reached in times of your deepest sorrow?
What if there is a presence of God that is UNIQUELY available in these darkest times?
Would that make it worth it?
Is God's special presence worth it?
Are we willing to pay the price of admission (a special back stage pass) to God's unique presence available only in the darkest of times?

I don't know about you...
But I'm in it anyways,
So might as well go all in. ^_^
Why not lean in, go head first into what God has to offer in these shadowed valleys of our lives?
If we're already got the cuts and bruises from the valleys, why search for treasure that exists in it?
What have we got to lose?
The second point is:
"Give [God] an offer that cost me. I'm going to give Him a sacrifice that I'll never get a chance to give Him again. I get one chance at this painful moment."
The pain that we are going through can be a sacrifice to God.
Something that really cost us our heart, our tears and happiness.
Because after we go to heaven, there will be no pain or tears so there will NEVER be another opportunity to give God this unique gift of pain.
Our gift to God is leaning into Him hard in our darkest moments,
It's crying out to Him for comfort,
It's praising Him through our tears that He is in control,
That we trust Him even when it hurts,
Even when it seems bleak and hopeless.
Declaring that God is our hope,
He is our future,
He is our redeemer of all things including time and broken hearts.
So what will it be?
Will you celebrate with me?
Will you praise with me?
Will you sacrifice this pain to God as a unique gift?
It's ok to cry.
It's ok to vent.
It's ok to feel grief and pain.
We must keep handing our junk over to God.
How do you do that?
Here's one way...
"Dear God,
I hand You may pain,
I hand You my tears,
I hand You my sorrow,
My doubt,
My fears.
I hand you the hurt,
I hand you the darkness,
The anger,
The frustration,
More tears.
It is Yours to take, and mine to give.
You are my hope,
You are my light,
You are the thing that keeps me going.
If it weren't for You, I'd be a puddle of tears.
If it weren't for You, darkness would prevail.
If it weren't for You, depression would be my friend.
Because of You hope shine through the cracks of my heart.
Because of You I see doors opening just for me.
Because of You I am comforted by Your presence.
Thank You for your protection,
Thank You for your guiding hand,
Thank You for your perfect ways,
Even when it doesn't seem perfect at all.
I choose to trust you.
I choose to hope in you.
I just choose YOU.
In Jesus name Amen."