Action Changed Cuz of God...

We should aim to see at least ONE action changed because of God each day.

"Faith without works is dead."

Ouch! That's pretty blunt, isn't it?

But what does it mean?

Well, it's like having a dead marriage.

You can be married to someone, but have no real relationship with them where you're more like "roommates" living in the same house rather than two people in love.

Jesus wants you to be in LOVE with Him because He is in LOVE with you.

You don't need to earn your way to heaven, but faith will cause you to love Jesus more and more each day.
As a natural byproduct of your love for Jesus you should see Him changing mini-actions in your life everyday.

Daily examples...

Today's example:

  • I was recommending a program to my mom. She has some reservations but I know it would really be good for her. As I was asking her about it and on the borderline of "pushing" too hard, Holy Spirit reminded me to be GENTLE so I backed off and said "Love you mother. Just think about it."
Yesterday Example:
  • I needed to respond to a situation where I'm triggered BIG TIME. I had nothing but sarcastic, zinger remarks. That's totally NOT Jesus in my heart so I leaned into the "Sword of the Spirit", God's word. I read a couple chapters and sat in quiet to listen to what God had to say and it softened my heart and cleared my head. I was ready to respond in power, love and a sound mind.
  • It's true!... "The word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword".
Day before Yesterday Example:
  • I was in a deep conversation with my brother and it was a sensitive topic. Before speaking, I did my best to ask Holy Spirit "Is it ok to say this?" or "Is it ok to say that?" and I got "No. No. No." alot! About 70% of the time Holy Spirit did not allow me to say what I wanted to say. At the end of the night, we had a beautiful conversation and he ended up opening up to me much more than usual. I'm grateful that Holy Spirit knows MUCH better than I do ^_^.
The differences that we see don't have to be BIG.
In fact, 99% of them are going to be small.
That's why it's so important to notice the small things that Holy Spirit is trying to tell us in the moment... to be gentler, kinder, more patient.

You will see the fruits of the Spirit being expressed in your thoughts and actions:

Scripture says, "fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control."

What is Holy Spirit trying to nudge you for today?
How is he tickling your brain?
To be kind, gentle or bold and faithful?

There are multiple moments throughout the day EVERYDAY where Holy Spirit is poking you to be a better person... to be more like Christ.

We need only listen.
Then obey.

How Holy Spirit is tickling your brain today?

What is He saying?
What did you do about it?

Cheers to a Spirit led day!

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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