Air Balls are OK...
Have you ever been in a season where you feel LOST,
Where nothing seems to fit together,
And the clarity you seek seems to be lost in transit?
This can feel like an AIR BALL,
Where the basketball is thrown,
And it doesn't even hit the rim or backboard,
A total miss, a total AIR BALL.
If this sounds like you,
Remember with God in the picture,
Cuz God's got you.

It doesn't matter how LOST you feel,
You can't be outside of God's reach,
It doesn't matter how LONELY it its,
You can't be outside of God's company,
It doesn't matter how LONG it's been,
God's timing is always perfect.
"Surely the arm of the LORD is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear."
When you feel like an AIR BALL it's OK,
Because will use it to train you and refine you.
An AIR BALL can be uncomfortable, but that's OK,
Because God will use it to strengthen you.
With God in the picture,
He will take your AIR BALL and turn it into a slam dunk!
Just make sure you are ACTIVELY seeking God.
Are you asking Him questions everyday?
Are you LISTENING with the expectation of an answer?
Are you writing it down?
Are you asking again the next day?
God wants us to be PERSISTENT in seeking Him.
So don't just ask a question once,
Ask daily for a week.
Don't just ask a week,
Ask for 2 weeks if you need.
"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'"
Daniel had to ask for 3 weeks before he got an answer,
And he was a spiritual giant!
Most of us are spiritual babies compared to Daniel.
That's why we must keep asking,
Keep pursuing,
Even if it take some time,
Even if it feels like an AIR BALL.
Remember, AIR BALLS are OK,
Becasue God will slam dunk it for you in the end.
"You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank You that You got my back,
Thank You that Your arms are long enough,
Thank You that Your hands are strong enough,
To handle anything I have in my life.
You are mighty,
You are wonderful,
You are righteous in Your ways.
You are perfect,
You are merciful,
You are full of grace.
Take my AIR BALLS and turn it into something wonderful,
Use my AIR BALLS to move the kingdom forward,
Give me as many AIR BALLS to get me to where you want me.
I surrender my hopes, dreams and goals to You,
You are my master,
My Lord,
My Savior,
No matter how many AIR BALLS I get,
I CHOOSE to trust in You,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to being OK with AIR BALLS because God is gooooodd!!