All or Nothing: Easter Backwards...

There is a very interesting viewing Easter (aka Jesus' victory over death).

Here's a question...

Does it matter whether Jesus rose from the dead or not?

Can He still be God's son and have died but NOT rose and everything be ok?

Isn't Jesus just a prophet and an overall "nice guy"?

The answer is NO.
Let me explain...

The reason I bring this up is because the "world" (and the enemy) is using human logic to downgrade Jesus from the Son of God who died for us on the cross... into a "good guy" prophet that died but did not rise from the grave, therefore did not defeat victory.

Point blank truth...

If Jesus didn't die and rise from the grave, there's no point in following Jesus.

If Jesus didn't die, our sins are not forgiven.
If our sins are not forgiven, we are not saved.
If we are not saved, we can't go to heaven.
If we can't go to heaven, there's no hope beyond these 80 years here on earth.

If Jesus didn't rise from the grave, all his outrageous comments make him a narcissist lunatic.

Jesus claimed He was the Messiah.
Jesus claimed He would rise from the grave.
Jesus claimed He was the Son of God.

There's no room for "nice guy".
If Jesus is not who He said He was, He is straight up crazy.
Do NOT follow CRAZY.


Jesus died and rose from the grave.
There were witnesses.
At least 500 of them and it was not disputed.

The disciples were afraid and ran scared after Jesus died.
They gave up following Jesus.

Then they came back full force.
What would make them do that?
What would have them go from cowardly to bold and unafraid.

Because they saw Jesus.
Not just heard about Him, but SAW Him alive with their own two eyes.

That was the winner.
BECAUSE Jesus is alive, the disciples went buck wild sharing the gospel.
BECAUSE Jesus is alive, the GOOD NEWS about salvation spread like wild fire.
BECAUSE Jesus is alive, Christianity spread across the globe and shaped our society.

Not because He's a "nice guy",
But because He's the REAL DEAL.


Because Jesus died...

Our sins are forgiven.

No matter how crappy we lived, Jesus can give us a fresh start.
No matter what hole we dug ourselves in, Jesus can get us out.
No matter how many relationships we have broken, He can heal them all.
Jesus' death makes all things possible.

Before Jesus died, Satan ruled the earth.
Before Jesus died, we were all doomed to die because of sin.
Before Jesus died, we were a fallen race.

Because Jesus lives, we can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, all fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future.
And life is worth a living just because He lives.

Because of Jesus we have authority to rebuke evil spirit and knock them on their butts.
Because of Jesus the enemy fear us and we should NEVER fear them.
Because of Jesus we get DIRECT 24/7 access to God just by thought and prayer.
Because of Jesus all of western civilization was been shaped and eventually the world.

So when the world wants to convince us that it doesn't matter if Jesus really rose from the dead,
Or that he was just a prophet and nothing else.



By looking at Easter backwards by asking "What if Jesus didn't live, what would that mean?", I hope it clarifies what would be different if Jesus didn't die.
As a result, I hope you can see how valuable His sacrifice was and what it did for every single one of us..

Jesus would have died for any ONE of us.
This means not ONE single human being is useless.
This means God cherishes ALL his children... black, white, gray, old, young, born again, found again.

Easter Sunday is the anniversary of Jesus' resurrection.
It's the symbol of Jesus victory over death.

It's the reason why people with cancer or facing death can go in peace.
It's the reason why you can have peace in the middle of a storm.
It's the reason to be a Christian and follow Jesus.

It's the reason why you should share Him this weekend.

1) Ask Holy Spirit "Who should I invite to church?"

2) Ask Him "Can You send me the perfect person who needs an invite?"
3) Invite someone to church to share the gift of everlasting life.

All or Nothing Easter.
Jesus is the real deal.
Go big or go home. ^_^
Just sayin...

Thank You Jesus.

Happy Easter.
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