Alone time is precious...

It's easy to get caught up in doing things FOR someone that you can forget to do it WITH them.

Let's say a husband or wife is working hard to make money and provide for the family. And because of their hard work, the family has all they could ask for in wealth and material things... vacations, cars, house, food, clothes, etc.

Everything, except their TIME.

So here's the eye opening question...
- Would their spouse prefer their time or your money?
- Would the kids prefer their parent's time or money?

It's the same way with God.

You can live your life as a good "Christian" but what does it mean if you never spend alone time with God?
You can go to church, say prayers, give to charity and even serve at the church, but what does it mean if you don't spend alone time with God?
What do you think God wants you to prioritize - alone time with Him or everything else?

In real life...
If you're married to the love of your life but you never get a date night in and you're like two passing ships in the night.

Is that a relationship or a roommate?

Is God looking for a roommate or a relationship with you?

Jesus came down and died for us so we can have a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him. He literally ripped the curtain between humans and God in half to bust open the lines of communication. We have instant 24/7 access to God made possible by Jesus.

It's like an internet company came into a small town with no internet and went through the cost and labor of running fiber cable lines to every house, but no one is turning on their computer.

For those of us that live a life based on internet connection, that would be a travesty, right?

In our spiritual life, the travesty is that Jesus laid spiritual fiber connection to all our hearts and we don't take the time to use it.

We don't take time to have any quiet ALONE time with God.

God is sad when you don't make time for Him.
He misses you.
He longs for your attention and love.

He is our God, but He is also our Father.
He WANTS to spend quality time with you.

Won't you take 5 minutes in the morning to say hello, close your eyes and ask Him what He wants to tickle your brain about?
Simply ask "God, what do you have to say to me today?"

Just have one moment of silence with God each day.
Make a start.
It'll be awesome.

Cheers to your PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God.
That will unlock everything else in your life! BOOM!
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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