Am I Ashamed...?
As Christians we don't go around thinking we're ashamed of Jesus,
But Satan is pretty tricky.
He doesn't come at us directly to be ashamed,
But he comes at it sideways.
"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him..."

Have you noticed how it's almost taboo to talk about Jesus in business?
Worldly wisdom says to NOT to talk about two things in business; religion and politics.
Most people have come accept that,
And the believers in this country are kept silent.
This country was founded on Christian principles,
Yet now prayer among the people in everyday life is rare.
When prayer is offered many people are surprised,
Many people have never had a phone call ending in prayer,
Many people haven't prayed with their clients,
Many people haven't prayed with their prospects,
Many people haven't prayed with their patients,
Why not?
What has happened to us?
Weren't we founded as a nation to worship Jesus?
Didn't our forefathers cross the deep dark oceans
For freedom OF religion, NOT freedom FROM religion?
How did we get to a place where faith is inappropriate in business?
How did we get to a place where Jesus is taboo in the work place?
Why isn't prayer a NORMAL thing in business?
Why wouldn't we want to do business with Jesus?
"where two or three gather in My name, there am I with them."
So let's gather two or three AT the office,
ON the phone,
IN the grocery line,
IN the waiting room,
AT the doctor's office,
In Jesus name,
And unite in prayer.
The world is boiling us like frogs being boiled one degree at a time,
The world is boiling Jesus right out of our lives,
The world is watering down faith into a once a week event,
The world is not who sets the standards.
"make disciples of all nations"
David, a man after God's own heart, says this...
"I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed."
"I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples."
Now that's a person ready to make disciples of all nations!
Are you itching to tell someone about something God did in your life?
Are you hungry for an opportunity to talk about Jesus?
Are you looking forward to showing someone His love?
We should be excited to talk about Jesus in business,
We should expect to pray over projects, deals and closings,
We should generously offer prayer to customer service reps, contractors, partners, clients, and patients.
"Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."
Lord, consider the way the world wants to scare us,
Consider the loss of business feared by many if we talk about You in business,
Consider the lies of the enemy that have taken root in our hearts,
Free us from the prison of deception,
And launch us into a new chapter of overflowing faith and prayer.
"Dear Heavenly Father,
Forgive me for being ashamed of You,
Forgive me for succumbing to the ways of the world,
Forgive me for hiding my faith when I should be shining it,
Forgive me for not being BOLD for You.
Help me be BOLD,
Help me be WISE,
Help me SEE the opportunities You have set before me,
To BLESS people with my testimony and prayers.
"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy."
Help me NOT be ashamed of You,
Help me NOT be afraid to talk about You,
Help me NOT be afraid to pray for people,
Help me to pray for people on the spot,
On the phone,
In the office,
At a job site,
In the doctor's office,
In the grocery line,
Let prayer be constant flowing river in my life,
In Jesus name, Amen."
Cheers to being BOLD for Jesus in a world that is trying to make Him fade away.