Answers to the Unknown...
It's the UNKNOWNS that get us all wound up... in fear.
Where is my next deal coming from?
How will I reach my income goal?
Will I get what I need for my family?
What will I do if I work less?
If you KNEW 100% that your future is going to be BOMB AWESOME, how would you FEEL different?
Would you go from anxious to confident?
... worried to relaxed?
... controlling to accepting?
We don't realize how hard we try to CONTROL our lives a way God never intended.
God intended for us to seek Him for guidance in a big way.
God wanted us to let Him be the lamp for our path.
Instead, he's more like an emergency backup light.

What if God has a cool NEXT plan but you are so busy grinding away He can't get your attention?
What if God is trying to promote you to a cool different path, and you're stuck in the grind, passing up promotion after promotion.
Are you seeking God enough to get His message of promotion?
Here's a good test...
At the end of your week...
Do you feel tired and stressed out?
Or excited and energized?
If your tank is empty and you're exhausted by the end of the week all the time...
That's not God. He's better than that.
That means you're trying to control too much and over-working yourself.
How do you know?
God said "My burden is light and my yoke is easy."
CRAWLING across the finish line gasping for air is not light and easy.
But the good news is God said... "Come to me all you who are weary and I will give you rest."
If you're tired of being tired and ready to explore something different, here's an easy step.
Ask God "What do you want me to let go of?
What do you want me to focus on?"
What is He telling you?
Ask God "Help me let You lead the way. Release my grip on life. Teach me to surrender everything to You. Amen"
It's amazing what these simple prayers can do for you.
It's the simple INVITATION prayers that have transformed my life.
"God, grant me the desire to desire You."
Try that on for size.