Anything Can Happen...

ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN... on this Thanksgiving Day.
The sick be healed,
Broken be mended,
The impossible made possible,
All in a single breath by Jesus.

This country was founded on "ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN..."
A group of Christian sailing to a New World,
Resources limited, country unknown,
As outcasts, as rejects,
As a people seeking freedom to worship and a new start,
And a thought that ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN...

"ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN...", they thought.
"God is with us.
God is FOR us.

The Mayflower set sail July of 1620 with 102 people.
They had to turn back TWICE due to a leaky ship that was sailing with them.

On September 6, 1620, the third attempt to set sail,
after 66 days at sea, the Pilgrims arrived in Cape Cod.

During that voyage only 1 person died and 1 new baby was born.
Once they arrived in Cape Cod, they lived on the ship for a few more months as they built their homes on land.
About half the people on the Mayflower died that first winter from the cold and sickness that came from it.

This journey 400 years ago gave birth to an incredible nation called the United States of America.
God has blessed this country in so many ways,
In wealth, strength, power, faith and hope,
But most importantly LOVE.

I declare and decree we are a LOVING country.
One that is patient, kind,
Does not envy,
Does not boast,
Not proud,
Not dishonoring others,
Is not self seeking,
Is not easily angered,
Not keeping record of wrongs,
Does not delight in evil but,
Rejoices in truth.

We are a country that...
Hopes and

For this is LOVE,
GOD is love.
And God always WINS.

As long as we have God as the center of our life,
He is on our side and we can continue to say,

In Jesus name, All things work for the good of those who serve Him.
In Jesus name, We are a country that love Him and serve Him.
In Jesus name, We tear down the walls of division and denomination to become ONE body in Christ, so birght, so beautiful that on this Thanksgiving Day we would sing songs of praise and worship and declare Him as our Lord and Savior.
We will dream new dreams,
And see new visions because,
ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN... with God on our side.

Thank you Jesus for the group of faithful men, women, children, and strangers that sailed across the ocean blue,
They risked their lives for reasons of faith, hope and love.
In the midst of fear, the unknown, and the wet, damp, cold air,
102 souls landed on new land for a new life in a new world.

Lord, create for us a NEW world from what we know now.
Show us how to bring a slice of heaven on earth,
To display the power and wonder of your order, wisdom, love and glory,
To provoke others to jealousy and curiosity about You.

Use us to create many more Thanksgivings filled with your praise and glory.
May the Great Commission be fulfilled in such excellence that it would give you justifiable reason to come back to us even one day sooner.
Lord, if that is your will, show us the way and help us follow.

In Jesus name, Amen.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Expect the unexpected,
Cuz God is real,
And He loves to show off. ^_^
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