Are You Getting Tossed...?

If you would have asked me before,
Whether I was getting tossed around in my business or life,
I would've been like "Pssshh... No, I'm SOLID."

When Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus he says this...

"Then we will no longer be immature like children. We won’t be tossed and blown about by every wind of new teaching. We will not be influenced when people try to trick us with lies so clever they sound like the truth."

At first glance, I felt like this didn't apply me.
After all...
I have a business,
I have goals,
I'm confident,
I'm determined,
I'm not one to get tossed around,
So this can't possibly apply to me... right?

Or so I thought.

What if it was put this way...

As Christians we should be so grounded in Christ that,
No matter what new guru, trend or hack comes around,
We're not chasing the shiny new object.

No matter the latest business strategy,
The coolest marketing tactic,
Or the most exclusive mastermind group,
We're not chasing things God didn't approve.

This includes the newest diet,
The hippest fashion,
Or hottest body sculpting, laser zapping, nano technology gizmo.
There are so many "new" things coming out with the latest cutting edge technology, if you're not careful it's easy to be "tossed and blown about about by every wind of new teaching".

You know what's the worst?
National events and conferences.
There's a guru around every corner,
At superstar at every session,
A "successful" person saying one thing,
Another "successful" person saying another,
You come back with a million ideas,
You try this and that,
6 months later you just feel like you chased your tail.

If that's not getting tossed around,
I don't know what is.

Looking back, I've been tossed around so much,
I practically turned into a tossed salad.

That's what happens when we're not ROOTED in God's ways.
So how do we ROOT ourselves in God?


1) ASK God about everything. Don't assume anything.
2) LISTEN and expect and answer. Write down what He is putting on your heart or telling you.
3) ASK FOLLOW-UP questions for more details.

Then... do what He say. ^_^

It's that simple.

You will be so much more grounded when you run everything by God.
Plus you'll save yourself a ton of brain damage and not waste time and money. Score!!

"Dear Heavenly Father,

Be my anchor,
Be my rock,
Prevent me from getting tossed around,
From being blown in different directions,
Protect me from the shiny objects of this world.

Help me keep my eyes on You,
Help me not get distracted,
May the things of the world seem dim compared to You
As I keep You as the #1 priority above all else,

In Jesus name, Amen."

Cheers to being grounded in Jesus!
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(Let's start with a chat)
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