Are You Just Taking Up Space?

I love how different people reading the same verse can get cool, different insights.

Here's an example.

Another team member last week shared this insight using the SOAP method of reading the bible.

Just to recap, SOAP-ing means to:
1) Scripture - Read 1 chapter (or whatever you want)
2) Observation - Ask Holy Spirit what He wanted to help you see.
3) Application - Ask Holy Spirit how this applies to your life.
4) Prayer - Ask Holy Spirit how He wants you to pray around this.

So here's what my awesome teammate had for his SOAP last week on Luke Chapter 13.

Luke 13:8-9
8 “‘Sir,’ the man replied, ‘leave it alone for one more year, and I’ll
dig around it and fertilize it.
9 If it bears fruit next year, fine! If not, then cut it down.’”

God has cultivated us to grow and bear fruits
God did not give us everything we have just to stand idle and take up space
God is patient and He gives us time and chances
But we need to remind ourselves that God is also just and there will be
a day of reckoning

Don't just ask forgiveness but repent
Serve God's purpose for me and bear fruit and not just take up space in
this world

Lord thank you for being patient and for being forgiving
I pray that I don't abuse Your goodness
I pray that I bear fruits from all the goodness You have blessed me with
so I can offer them to You

I hope that you become curious on how to have fun reading the Bible.
It can be fun!
It can be intruiging!
It can be yummy food for your soul!

Cheers to an amazing day!!! ^_^
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