Asbury Revival 2023... What's Going On?

OMG! Is this possible?!?!

After a typical chapel service for Asbury University students,
At the time when service should end... it didn't.

At the tail end of the service a student came up and started to confess and repent of his sins and the whole atmosphere of the chapel shifted.
They felt a presence.
So tangible,
So lovable,
So real.
It was Holy Spirit.

The students wanted more and never left.

Since Feb 8, 2023 there as been a 24/7 around the clock gathering of college students that started to go viral.
They were experiencing a supernatural presence that was so unreal, it started attracting other students like a moth to a flame.
This move of God continues to draw college students from all around the country,
As well as adults from all across the globe.

People are accepting Jesus and getting save.
People who have strayed from Christianity are recommiting themselves to Christ.
People who were once enemies are hugging and praying together.
People who have been there in person describe it as a sweet presence, waves of love, or a weighted blanket of God's glory.

As the news spread, people of ALL ages, from far away countries like Brazil and Indonesia have come to experience the ongoing presence of God.
It is reported that this sparked a revivals in at least 20 other churches and 20 other campuses and it's continuing to spread... (hopefully like wildfire!)

Below are hand-picked highlights of some coverage and powerful testimonials.
There's so much more so feel free to search Google, Youtube, any social media "Asbury Revival 2023"

Share this awesomeness with others!
The world must KNOW!

Tucker Carlson on Fox News covering this story...

CBN News Coverage of Asbury Revival

This is the Student Body President sharing her story on what happened...

Zeke (student at Asbury University) sharing his testimonial

Bomb Awesome Testimonial by Gage who drove 6 hours to experience...

We should ALL hunger for this experience!
God has chosen this small town to appear to a bunch of faceless and nameless college students.
That's how much He cares for all of us.

Our country desperately needs this.
God started the fire and WE, as his priests and children of God, must keep the fire burning.
Share these vidoes,
Look more up yourself.
Search the keyword "Asbury revival 2023",
Get creative,
Keep digging,
Keep hungering.

Start praying for REVIVAL to show up in your family, school and church.
Let's breathe life into this fire and grow it into a blaze that can't be stopped!
More Lord, more!
Keep it coming!
We want more!

"Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for Your presence.
Thank you that you chose this time and this place.
Your plans are perfect and your timing divine.
Stir a Holy HUNGER in all those who hear about this.
Provoke them to jealousy and curiosity for your presence.
Wake us up and light us all on fire!
May we burn passionately, boldly, faithfully, gently for You.
Make us holy and pleasing,
Mold us and shape us to be more like You.
Lead the way and help us follow.
In Jesus name, Amen."
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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