Don't Assume When Hiring Talent

When you’re busting at the seams and working non stop day and night, you just want a piece of your life back - anything could be better than what little time you currently have, right?

You’re judgment is weak and you’re ready to make all sorts of logical exceptions. Desperate for help you come across someone who you justify putting into the role even if their work background isn’t similar or relevant to the position. So you start making assumptions.

The assumption is “They must be good because ______________.”

You justify to yourself they are the right hire, without doing any due diligence in vetting them properly.

Ex. “They must be good because they worked for a Fortune 500 company with C level executives for years.”

“They must be good because they worked for a national builder as the President of Development.”

What’s wrong with these assumptions? They lead to another assumption that can end up costing you more time in the long run:

“They must be good so I should hire them”.

If you think to yourself “they must be good…” this is your warning sign or trigger phrase that alerts you that you’re shortcutting the process and your business.  Someone who fits into one scenario does not mean they are right for your business culture. Compare the corporate world to the entrepreneurial world which are like night and day. There are enough differences to know that their skill sets are not going to transfer over to your business. You need to dive deeper get more facts than what is presented on a resume.

Everything about your business should be done on a high level.  Spend the time and energy and do your due diligence and follow a process that has proven to work. Systems allow you to get consistent results that continue to deliver a more productive work environment. Take control in your business and increase your success level by looking at the big picture of people process and systems and start reaping the rewards of making more while working less.


What to listen for in this episode:

  • When you need to hire are you shortcutting important steps? [2:12]
  • Reviewing applicants takes time and energy [3:07]
  • Corporate vs. entrepreneur [6:39]
  • The fear of hiring when there is no process [7:48]
  • Get the evidence the applicant is qualified [8:45]
  • Success through others [10:57]

If you have any questions about this topic, setup a free strategy call with one of our experts here.


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