Backwards Planning...

One of things I LOOOVVED to do was planning and goal setting.

Envisioning the future and making it happen...
Is there anymore more satisfying than that?

However, as I step into curiosity about God's plans and look to scripture on examples of how He operates...
I began to realize something very ANNOYING.
God does not specialize in giving us a detailed road map for the future. *gasp*

He is ANNOYINGLY vague. (with all due respect ^_^)
SUPER annoyingly vague!
And the bigger the promise, the more vague the path! Arrghh!!!

For Abraham, "You will be the father of many nations".
The dude had to wait decades to see the first sprout of that promise.

For Joseph, he had a prophetic dream of his brothers bowing down to him.
The kid got dropped in a death pit and sold as a slave by his brothers.

For Paul, the "chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel".
This man gets beaten, bitten, shipwrecked, chained, imprisoned and travels the world.


And yet...
We try to predict our business (which is our ministry, which is God's business).
We try to plan out the next year's performance in detail, by metrics, by our plan.
Since when did God lay out his marvelous plans to us in large, predictable chunks?

If anything, I would argue that the GREATER God's plan for you, the greater the mystery.
I think God likes to surprise us.
He likes to knock our socks off and rock our world.
He likes to grow us, mold us, an shape us in the process.

We like control.
We like predictability.
We like to know everything.
We like to feel safe.

Even when we take "business risks", it's calculated.
It's weighed out.
It's thought through.
It's strategized.

This is totally different the way God calls us out into the wilderness sometimes.

I'm not saying to throw all your plans and systems out the window.
I'm not saying to operate in chaos.

I'm just saying that in the big planning, the big goals and visions...
Let it be less of you and MORE of God.
Let it be none of you and ALL of Him.

Reealllyy seek Him.
Reealllyy hunger and thirst for His vision.
Sit still and incline your ear to His voice to capture every whisper.

I just have a feeling that His true plans are SOOOOOO different from yours.


"what no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor human heart conceived, what God has prepared for those who love him."

So if you've thought of it, it's not God's plan.
I'm not trying to say everything you think of is wrong.

However, if you have a plan that is the "OMG, Ultimate Eureka Plan",
Or a 2x, 5x or 10x your business plan for the year...
Back off and cool your jets and see how much of that is YOU vs God doing the planning.

Don't be surprised when you're REALLY following God you feel like a bumbling fool.
Story after story,
Testimony after testimony,
Not knowing and trusting God is a common theme in how God works.

If you're feeling pretty smart about something, it's probably not God.

For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate."
(I think God over delivered on that promise -_-)

God's way of thinking can seem totally BACKWARDS, UPSIDE DOWN and maybe even FRUSTRATE your plans.

But isn't that exactly what God said He would do?
Isn't that exactly how He has operated for thousands of years?
Look around you.

The people following the Spirit in their business, life or ministry.

Who is really "planning" vs. following God?
Who is in pursuit vs. stewarding God's resources?
Who has to force and strive vs. flow and surrender?
What part of our business knowledge is contradicting how God works?

I will leave you to sit on these very annoying questions today, lol. ^_^

It may feel uncomfortable.

It may make your skin crawl.
But does it because it's true?
Does it because your flesh is resisting?
Does it because your desire for control and a predictable outcome is raging?

Is. It. God?

We will continue this conversation next time...

Meanwhile, marinate on these questions.
Pray about it.
Ask God.
Seek Him.
Challenge Him.
Wrestle with Him.

I double dog dare you. ^_-

Which idea made you pucker today?...
Reply and let me know. :)

Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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