Battle Ready in Real Estate
Do you know what's worse than being in a battle?...
NOT knowing you're in battle and getting your butt handed to you.
The battle is REAL in real estate.
It's a spiritual battle.
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."
What does this look like in real estate?
The battle for your time.
The battle with fear of not enough time.
The battle with pride do more deals or double your business.
The battle with chaos in disorganization and lack of systems.
The battle that prevents you from pausing 10 seconds for God.
You're fighting spiritual battles every day in real estate.

The real estate industry accepts that...
It's "normal" to run like our hair is on fire.
It's "normal" to feel overwhelmed.
It's "normal" to be working 24/7.
How about NO!
Being crazy everyday is NOT normal.
It's NOT what God wants.
It's not HIS way.
The devil's got you convinced that in real estate...
"There's too much work, not enough time."
"You're schedule is back to back, there's no time to eat."
"You're so backed up, you need to keep working."
Grind is celebrated.
Peace is not expected.
The enemy has you exactly where he wants you...
Too busy for God.
Too busy to check in with the Holy Spirit.
Too busy to pause.
Too busy for a 10 second prayer.
Here's the think...
As long as you can't hear God or have time to seek Him... Bingo!
10 points for the devil, 0 for God.
The good news is...
It's easy to turn the tide.
Get "Battle Ready".
Suit up in the Armor of God.
There's 7 pieces to the Armor of God (in Real Estate terms):
- TRUTH: There's always enough time for God. He's in control, not the enemy or real estate.
- RIGHT STANDING WITH GOD: Seek God to be in alignment with His will. Pray. Seek Him in ALL things.
- PEACE: You are supposed to be covered in supernatural peace ALL day, every day. Don't settle for industry standard of chaos.
- FAITH: Believe in power of God to see you through all things. "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world." Believe that God is in control no matter what happens.
- SALVATION: You are God's child. Royalty. You are not meant to run around like a crazy chicken. Take your royal place with God and control your day with the Holy Spirit.
- SCRIPTURE: Have a couple bible verses handy to lean into when you feel stressed or feel the pressure of the day. Sword of the Spirit is a weapon to fight off spiritual opression like fear and stress.
- PRAY: Pray throughout the day. Beginning of each time block. 10 second prayers. Talk to God like He's your best friend (cuz He is).
Where to start?
My personal favorite is prayer.
Weave it into the start of every time block or appointment.
See if you can do a quick "breath" prayer 6-8 times a day.
That's weaving God into your whole day.
Super easy.
Super powerful.
"Dear God,
I invite you into this time block.
Lead me, guide me, guard me.
Fill it with your Holy Spirit.
Your will be done.
In Jesus name, Amen.
P.S. Give the devil a black eye with this prayer. Amen."
(I'm not sure if that last part is very "textbook Christian", but I can't help myself sometimes, lol.)
Are you doing this already?