Be Brave, Ask for Help

Imagine God saying...

"I came and died for you so that you may have your business.
I was born in a manger so you can experience freedom.
I sacrificed my life so that you can have eternal life. 

Live a blessed life.
Live a life where my spirit flows through you.
Live a life that moves the kingdom forward using all the gifts you have been given.
Live a life that fulfills your destiny.

Don't settle for less.
Don't settle for crazy busy.
Don't settle for "shoulda, woulda, coulda."

Settle only for the best of what I have planned for you.
A life full of peace and happiness everyday not just on holidays or weekends.
A life overflowing with love everyday not just for the moment in the morning or evening.
The best way to repay My birth is to live, and sacrifice is to live according to My will. 

Make Me part of your plans, thoughts, desires, and lonely places.
Make Me the leader of your plans, thoughts, and desires.
And if you don't know where to start, ask Me for wisdom.

If you are afraid of losing out, ask Me for courage and hand over your fears to Me.
I came and died for you.
I care about the details of your life.
I will help you with every bit, every step if you let Me.
If you'd only ask."

So ask God today...
Ask for help.
Ask for guidance.
Ask for strength and courage to be used by God in the most brilliant way. Remember He wants to use you.

God has "plans to prosper you,
give you hope and a future."

Be brave and ask for help.
Gotta Start Somewhere
(Let's start with a chat)
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